what has the world become

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You kept thinking about the dream. You couldn't shake the feeling.

Something was about to go wrong.

You hadn't been in subcon forest for over a week now. Mostly due to the fact snatcher was urging you to stay.

One of the minions said they spotted vanessa. Of course she'd use natural snow to her advantage.

"Hey sibling of mine look what i found!" Hat kid said as she ran towards you.

The thing she held was the 25th time piece. You were going home soon. But thruth is. Neither of you wanted to leave.

"That's great hat kid. Though let's activate the attic later. For now let's call it a night." You said as you stood from your spot.

"Fine fine. Goodnight [Y/N]!"Your sister ran off to her bedroom leaving you alone. You sighed as you walkwd to your own room.

Yet little did you know.

You went up to your room and as soon as your body hit the bed you fell asleep. Only to be greeted by the dream you've been having for the last few days.

~small 5 min timeskip brought to you by.... the end~

"Look at that. I came in without the alarms going off." There stood a little girl. She looked like red riding hood.

Mustache girl

The kid ran over to your safe. And due to hat kid's clumsiness. Of course it could be pullen right open.

She grabbed the time pieces and smashed them on the floor.

The world wasn't the same

The girl giggled menacingly and ran off. She'd have justice. She'd win. It was her fate.


You woke up due to a crashing sound

"What button did hat kid press now?" You groaned pulling the covers off of yourself.

You walked out of the living room. Only to be greeted by a sight you'd never forget. The world had changed to one of nightmares.

You kept your eyes on the new planet before you. After a while you realized. You hadn't moved places. You were looking at the planet you had found your love on.

Someone messed with the time pieces.

"[Y/N] what happened?" You heard a shaky voice say. You looked over and saw your little sister.

"It'll be fine. I promise." You said. Your eyes traveled to the out of order elevator.

"Reboot the elevator."

She came from outer space (Snatcher x reader)  [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now