oneshot : that damn smile

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He knew it the moment he saw you with the minions.

You would be a great queen to his forest. Well if you accepted of course.

And you did just that. He was honestly surprised.

He was happy around you. Like really happy. You made him feel alive again.

Wait no scratch that when he was alive he was sad. And now he was happy!

A sudden scream startled him out of his thoughts.

"[Y/N] WHAT THE PECK!" he screamed trying his best to catch his book he had dropped due to the scare.

"Ahww how did you know it was me?" You said hopping around the vines leading to his home.

"I'd now your voice anywhere love" hold it screw everything. LOVE???????

"Besides your such a dork i'd just feel your dorky energy before you were even 10 miles near me"
He stared at your shocked form.

"What's wrong?... did i insult the baby?" He asked in a teasing tone smirking at you.

Oh so he's playing this game now?

"I Don't know hun. Why are you staring?" You asked crossing your arms.

He looked you up and down.
"Maybe i like what i'm seeing" he smirked at you chuckling when he saw the slight blush.

"Maybe you do. But how can i be sure?" You smiled at him.

Oh that damn smile. The thing that drew him to you. It lit up the room no forest! Atleast in his opinion.

"You should smile more" he suddenly said.

"Wait...what? Uh why?" You said raising your brow. "It looks good on you." He realized he just spoke his thoughts as his eyes widened.

"And i- i mean it's fitting for a soon to be queen to uh smile" He laughed nervously.

"Sorry who was the dork?" You said walking towards Snatcher.

"Obviously you duh."

"Oke dork" you sat on the arm rest leaning on snatcher's shoulder


"I may be but i'm your idiot."

"You are my idiot huh?"

You smiled at him and he smiled back.

That dazzling smile of yours.

He would never grow tired of it.

She came from outer space (Snatcher x reader)  [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now