a new home

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You looked behind you. And there stood snatcher. Behind him were alot of people you met during your adventure on this planet.

You smiled at seeing everyone here. Snatcher returned the smile and squeezed your shoulders.

Hat kid walked over and stood in front of all of you.

"What? You. These are villains. And your. Your helping them!" MU screamed obviously upset.

"We're not the villians 'ere lassie. You are. Get lost." Conductor said.


"Yeah get lost!"

'Cooking cat' you thought. You reconized that accent.

"We don't neeed a hero. Get lost!" You and hat kid looked around as everyone started screaming 'get lost'

You almost felt bad for MU.
Key word : almost.

"This. Ends. Now." And with that everything went black. You were alone with hat kid. Time pieces were thrown everywhere. It was rather hard to avoid getting hit.

After a minute everything changed. You were in a colorful arena. Everyone circled around it.

(Time tooooo BATTLEEEE)

You looked around for a second admiring the scenery. And then a time piece nearly hit you in the face.

You snapped out of your thoughts to see MU levetating. Since when?-

The time pieces thrown would create black gaps. That would hurt you.

You went for the first hit and got it.

MU started teleporting everywhere aand nowhere. Eventually hat kid got the time hat and slowed time.

Hat kid hit MU with the laser badge. After a while of the same cycle she started teleporting when you got near her, making it impossible to hit her.

Conductor had a small conversation with the mafia. And then the mafia ball hit the ground.

"Let's get rollin' lassie!" He screamed pointing towards MU. You kicked the ball and it went charging for MU.

When it hit her she quickly started the time piece attack. The ball came again and hat kid kicked it in MU'S direction.

"THAT'S WHAT YA GET PECK NEEEEECK" Moonjumpet screamed from the crowd. Snatcher rolled his eyes but started cheering softly obviously slightly embarresed.

(Snatcher : whatever is said i'm not associated with this person *points at mj*)

You smiled at the action as you punched the ball again.

The ball fell apart and MU gave herself a shield.

Snatcher frowned as he thought. He then saw the creature next to him.

"Hey you. How about we make a contract and make this girl get lost?" MJ chuckled shaking his head.

The creature signed the contract and snatcher made a cherry bomb for him to throw.

Hat kid caught it and chucked it at MU.

You notices the bruises MU hat kid and you were covered in.

They both had bruises on multiple spots on their body's.

Geuss you just had to hope.

Hat kid kept hitting MU. They had a small personal fight as they hit each other constantly. In other circumstances this would have been adorable.

You came in and hit MU.

This was her breaking point.

"ENOUGH" she screamed as she levitated in the middle. She shot a laser beam around the circle effectiveky killing some people.

A few mafia's started talking before screaming. "RED HOODED GIRL. GET LOST" they punched each other. Heart pons came to the both of you healing you.

Conductor and grooves did the same. Tears threatened to hat kid's eyes and you could feel yourself tearing up to.

Multiple creatures did the same effectively healing you and hat kid.

From there the battle became intense.
Multiple attacks were done at the same time. Though getting hit didn't hurt.

After a bit you won the fight.

You got teleported back to the castle. Where MU was layong motionless.

Hat kid went up to the time pieces and smashed them on the ground.

You were back on the space ship. Everything was normal again. You sighed in relief and saw hat kid staring out the window.

You ran over to her.

"You know the promise i made right?" You asked.

Hat kid nodded.

"We're staying"

Hat kid looked up at you. Smiling bright.

"Welcome to our new home kid"

She came from outer space (Snatcher x reader)  [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now