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Pacifica Pines

This all happened last summer, and for a 15 year old girl, it seemed like a much bigger deal.
I've obviously shook it all off now, it's not that much a deal anymore, but let me tell you what went down last summer.
The previous summer, my mom and dad sent me away to some odd town in the middle of Oregon, which I had never heard of, called Reverse Falls. They told me it would be good to get some fresh air and visit my Uncle Bud as well as my cousin Gideon.

According to my mom, she told me that I should spend more time in the countryside than moping around at home during the summer holiday.

When I first got there by bus, I saw Gideon waiting by the bus stop.

I waved delightfully and he shyly waved back, 'Hey! You must be my cousin Gideon!'

'Yeah, umm, I guess.' He replied warily, we talked a bit on the way to the Mystery Shack, where he and Uncle Bud lived and worked.

Gideon had really blond hair, like really white blond hair and always wore a blue and white cap with a pine tree printed on it. He was my younger cousin so I took the honour of protecting him of anything that happened that summer.

He seemed so insecure back then.

After a few days, we got to know each other better and he even opened up to me.

'So, as I was telling you, my dad sometimes makes me feel really bad about myself and it just kinda hurts.' Gideon sobbed on the couch.

I patted him on the back and gave him a hug, 'It's all gonna be alright, I'm here, you have me now, so don't worry.' I gave him a genuine smile.

He smiled through his tears and added, 'Thanks Paz.'

Oh, and he had given me a new nickname, I found it quite cute and reflective of my personality. No one had ever called me 'Paz' before, so this was new to me.

Gideon then invited me to a diner around the town, as well as showed me around the town.

'So this is Greasy's Diner, it serves super nice food! Let's just settle here and have dinner.'
I nodded and he led me into the diner.

I had never seen a place so full with cheery people before.

'Hi Lazy Susan!' My cousin shouted over to a waitress.

'Hey there Gideon!' She replied, smiling a toothy smile.
I smiled and waved over to her, and 'Lazy Susan' returned the pleasure.

'What do you guys eat here? I've never been to a diner.' I asked Gideon, I glanced through the lengthy menu a few times before giving a light chuckle from the overwhelming amount of food they served.

'Well, I normally get the pancakes, or the waffles, or the pie, or the-'

'Okay okay! I get it! Everything is good.' I giggled at him.

Lazy Susan came to take our order and I just got what Gideon got, blueberry pancakes.
I looked around the booth we were sat at, so many people talking, laughing, I smiled.

'I'm guessing you'll like Reverse Falls huh?' Gideon noticed that I was smiling to myself and I agreed to his smug statement.

I looked out the window, catching sight of a black limousine parking outside, it looked out of place in the natural scenery of Reverse Falls.

Unfortunately, at that moment I didn't know what fate had in store for me.

'Why is there a random limo in the middle of such a scenic little town?' I raised an eyebrow at Gideon, still focusing at the limo and trying to see who was inside.

It seemed so mysterious, as if anyone could walk out at any moment.

'Oh.' Gideon rolled his eyes, making me quite confused since he didn't seem like the hype of person who'd do that, since he was so sweet of course.

'They're the Gleefuls.' He said disgustedly, as if the name was laced with every type of poison you could ever manage to find.

Darn, what's the deal with Gideon? Did he wake up from the wrong of the bed today?

Hi! I'm kinda new to this kinda thing, so I'm trying to look stuff up (which is kinda failing yikessss). I've been kinda focused on other stories (the normal PPGXRRB books that I write) but this book was kinda inspired by some really good Reverse Falls stories I've read on here.
I'm NOT going to go through loads of detail since many of you know what the characters look like and I'm not gonna be like oh this is their outfit, oh they threw their hair into a blah blah blah, or her gorgeous brown orbs etc. You get the idea...
Please tell me if you like the story or wherever it's headed lol, or if you don't then message or comment and I'll try and fix it!
See you guyssss next time!
-Squishiipeeps 💕

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