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Pacifica Pines

As the lights dimmed slowly, I heard gushes of smoke blown into the tent, making the atmosphere mysterious, the crowd quietened down as well.

I shifted in my seat at the back of the tent, if Gideon and I came a bit later, we wouldn't have been able to even secure a seat.

Soon, a silhouette of someone could be seen through the smoke, and I heard a feminine voice.

'Welcome ladies and gents. It's been a great year, but now we're back, it's gonna be even better!'

The crowd went crazy, screaming and cheering went on for a few minutes until she spoke again.
'Shush. Shush,' as she said it the crowd did as she pleased, 'Now, we're finally quiet, we can begin!'

The crowd clapped and stomped their feet, so me and Gideon followed them too. I perched upwards to get a better look since everyone else was sitting in front of us so we couldn't see.
The smoke cleared and Mabel was standing in the middle of the wooden stage, one hand on hip, when a blue haze covered her as she snapped her fingers with a click, a smug look appeared on her face and when the haze cleared, she wasn't there anymore. Instead, it was Dipper standing there.

Dipper was wearing his usual outfit but had a black cape tied onto his usual tie.

I had to admit, it was weird...

All the girls shouted his name in unison and the cheers were even louder than the ones for Mabel, he smirked, trying to be seductive for something and the girls swooned like crazy.
'Dipper! Dipper! Dipper!' The young girls shouted.

'Hello everyone, especially to the ladies.' He announced, he winked to the crowd, waving an arm to the crowd. The girls all swooned as I looked around myself oddly, Gideon just shrugged, as if he knew this would happen.


He tossed his cool cape backward, not cool, I mean ugly, (never mind) and a whole group of dove flew out. I wowed in wonder, it was so amazing how he made that happen.

'Now now brother, stop with these silly trifling tricks. They have no place in our tent.' Mabel's voice went through the loudspeakers. Then, Dipper snapped his fingers, and they disappeared in a split second.

The crowd cheered again, expecting anything to happen.

'Alright.' He said, in a cool and icy stage voice, smiling a smug smile. A cloud of smoke appeared again and Mabel appeared again. This sure was an interesting show to watch.

'Can we please have a volunteer?' Mabel announced as the crowd widened their eyes.

Soon, all hands in the tent shot up in an instant and just to mock myself, I raised my hand too.
Gideon looked at me oddly and shrugged, I wasn't going to be chosen anyway.

Or so I thought.

Mabel stood in the middle of the stage while Dipper strolled around the tent, walking up and down the stairs of the stalls, as the girls tried to gain his attention. I didn't scream at all, it wasn't like I actually wanted to be chosen. Soon, he climbed the stairs of our stall, I didn't even realise my hand went straighter and higher as he approached us.

King Of My Heart (Reverse Falls/ Dipcifica/ DipperXPacifica)Where stories live. Discover now