t w e n t y - s i x

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Empty mansion, in the rain just off the coast

Is the vibe now, that I feel inside my soul

Like a spider, there's a web that you have wove

There's a heart now, where there used to be a ghost

-Ava Max-

Pacifica Pines

I thought the living room was weird, these halls are even weirder, with each one I enter I lose track of where I am, it's almost like I'm in a  maze, a neverending labyrinth of dark and empty hallways. I was keeping track of the time, of course, I was, I needed to get back to the Mystery Shack soon before Uncle Bud and Gideon came back. Gideon, 'Gideon'? 'Gideon'. It was unconfirmed whether the boy who was sleeping right under my room in the Shack was even my cousin at all.

The silence was uncomfortable. I don't know if it was even silence, my footsteps were so crisp on the carpet underneath me, I could almost hear my own breathing, my heart beating, everything. This wasn't silence, it was the lack of silence, it was the lack of it that was so unnerving to me.

'Gideon.' I muttered under my breathe, not like I was saying it to anyone at all.


Did I hear that right? Or was that my heart?

'Gideon? is that you?' I whispered again. I don't know what made the sound just now, but just that I am not alone on this seemingly empty hallway.


'Gideon?' I turned my head around to the way I came. There was no sound. No source.

The more I stayed there more I hated this eerie tranquillity.

So out of place.

So wrong.

'Hello?' I called out again, louder this time.


I was now walking into a dimly lit corridor.

I took my phone out and turned on the flashlight, behind me, was total darkness, and I could only see everything in front of me.

I hoped, no, I was wishing that nothing would come from the behind.

Dipper Gleeful

I glanced around the hall, something was up but I just couldn't lay a finger on what it was. My sister was acting weird, this was not unusual, but she seemed, happy, too happy.

'Brother dear.' A hand was slipped from one shoulder to another, stopping at a rest. Mabel smiled grimly.

'What's the matter, Mabel? Was your upside-down magazine not entertaining enough?' I grimaced at the sight of her. She was wasting my time.

'So you noticed.' Mabel's eyes went from a clear blue to a sharp, killing ice blue. 'I don't know what you're ever getting at. Wasting your time? Wasting your time doing what?'

Mabel pulled her arm off my back and released her grip on me. 'You wouldn't actually think I was going to do something, were you? I don't feel comfortable with a brother who snoops around me and doubts me.' She pouted, then she sighed with a grin. 'What a shame. Honestly.' She rolled her eyes as she shook her head.

It was best to keep my thoughts to myself.

My most sincere apologies, dear Pacifica, I currently have a shark at bay.

King Of My Heart (Reverse Falls/ Dipcifica/ DipperXPacifica)Where stories live. Discover now