s e v e n t e e n

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Pacifica Pines

I wake up in a trance to see this light blinding me, and I'm in the box again. This time it's suffocating, and it doesn't seem like I'm the only one who's suffering. I hear someone collapse outside.

But I can't do anything. I'm still helpless as ever.

The only thing I can do, is scream. I kick the walls and scream as loud as I can, my face is hot and all my limbs hurt but if I cannot defend myself, then I have to call for help.

I scream again.

I'm jolted awake by a nurse, who then explains that the terrible sharp shriek woke myself up, and she only came to wake me up. I look around myself and am reminded of where I am again. The hospital.

I stare blankly into the nurse's eyes as she tells me about what she saw me do while I slept. Why was I at the hospital? I glance down at myself, I'm covered in blood, but if I'm in the waiting room.

Then... I recall all the events of the previous night.


It only takes a yell at the nurse and she caves and tells me where he is. This is all because of me. I was the cause of all this.

If I didn't get lost nothing would have happened.
If I hadn't chased that book nothing would have happened.
If I didn't go to the woods nothing would have happened.
If I never found the book in the first place nothing would have happened.
Maybe, if I never came, no one would be hurt.

3 corridors straight down and 1 door to the left, I'm there. The creaks open, the room is dim but light shines bright from the lamp next to the bed.

I tiptoed into the room, closing the door behind me and walking into the room. There is a clipboard loosely attached to the footboard of the bed, where calm breathing sounds originate from. I pick up the clipboard, trying to see what actually happened.

Possible blood poisoning
Big cuts and scratches (?) along the abdomen

My eyes are welling up and I can't believe some creature in the woods could be capable to do something like this. In the corner of the room, there's a small chair and a table in front of it. I put the clipboard back where I found it and make my way to the chair.

I sit and I think.

The creature was big, no one would expect something that big in the woods. The size of a bear? No, bigger. What would be in the woods if not a bear?

It's weird to watch someone sleep, but what can someone do when they're just so worried that they might've almost killed someone.

I divert my attention away from the person who's on the bed because of me. I took the book out. It's starting to seem more like a journal in my head. Perhaps it is. At first, I considered it to be some sort of fiction, after some more digging, it proved not to be.

I flip through the pages, trying to find an answer to the thing that attacked me. Nothing fit the description and it's worryingly. Back and forth the pages go, and a million thoughts string through my mind as I keep searching for a clue.

And I thought for such very long time until my eyes droop and I was asleep again.


My spine cracks as I lean back from the horrible sleeping position I was in, sounds of flipping pages wake me up.

The sight I am met with surprises me. Dipper is sitting on the bed, legs crossed and all, it looked as if he woke up on any day, he was still in the hospital gown, but he was flipping through a book.

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