n i n e t e e n

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Mabel Gleeful

I made my way to the Mystery dump and knocked on the back door. Instead of my love, Bud Pines peeked through the door.

'What do you want Miss Gleeful?' Bud asked me.

'I want to see your son.' I deadpanned, without emotion at all. I didn't want to waste my youth being in front of some middle aged man while I could be spending time with Gideon.

'Don't get all your attitude in my face miss!' Bud increased his time at me.

'Who are you gonna tell? My parents?' I laughed wildly.

'Hey! Young missy! I will sue you for harrassm-'

'Who is it, dad?'
My lover's voice descended from the heavens and I was captivated by the thought of him ruling the world with me.

'It's meeee!' I squealed, it's true that love makes you go soft and wobbly like jelly.

'M-Mabel?' Gideon shooed away Bud and switched positions with him. 'What are you doing here?'

'I came to see you.' I dwindled around my hair with my fingers.


Oh? Is that all he had to say?

'Gideon, I came to see you. Isn't there more you'd like to say to me?' I frowned, he was making me sad.

'Mabel, I have nothing to say to you. Other than... why are you calling me by my name? You normally call me 'Pines boy' or...' Gideon dragged on.

'Gids, that's all in the past.' I used the nickname I heard Pacifica using on him and took the chance to make my move. 'I really like you okay? And I wanna be with you.' I nodded at my own words, giving myself more confidence as I spoke each word.

'Gids? YOU like me? Freak's sake Mabel, you tried to kill Pacifica! If it weren't for Dipper Pacifica would be in a casket by now. Where is this all coming from?' Gideon rubbed his eye wearily.

'It's just-' The more I searched for an answer, there more I realised there was none. I barely knew the boy, and neither did I like him for his looks. I just had an undeniable attraction to him. For some reason. 'Look, I know we got off on the wrong foot-'

Before I could even say more, Gideon cut me right off and butt in, 'Mabel, I don't like you, neither does my dad, so, no.' He started to close the door, but I stuck my hand in between the gap swiftly, just before it closed fully.

Gideon stayed frozen as the door almost slammed against my hand. 'Gids, I-'

'Please stop calling me that Mabel, you know we were never close and this makes me super uncomfortable.'

'Fine. Gideon. Go out with me.'

'And my answer is no.' Gideon said once against, he pushed my hand out the way and slammed the door in my face.

I, Mabel Gleeful, was just rejected?

I scanned the nearby area surrounding me for any people or beings. No one could see me being rejected by a lowlife.

Did I call my love a lowlife? Yes, but it was a fact. Even a stupid woodpecker would know it.

I knocked on the door again, after a few minutes of hesitation.

Gideon came out again, looking me dead in the eyes. 'And you're back because...?'

'I'm sorry.'

I knew I was, for what I was about to do next.

'You're sorry?' Gideon looked at me oddly. 'Will you specify for what?'

'Mhm.' I nodded grimly, but a sneaky smile made its way back onto my face. 'This.'

I whipped out the journal my brother had kept from me and gave the dust a blow. It had obviously been sitting for a while.

'What is this Mabel?' Gideon tried to peer at the contents of the journal. It said '2' on it, and it was perfect for the occasion.

'I'm super sorry Gideon.' I whispered, it's not like he would know anyway. I mumbled some junk that was written on a page and the book shut with a clap.

In a second, the spell worked, Gideon was out cold. It was perfect for the next step of my plan.

'I love you.' I muttered into Gideon's ears, it's not like he'd hear it anyway, but once I said it, it was like I confessed to the world, that I had finally had my one true love.

Then I teleported Gideon and me to the Gleeful Manor. Super antique the place was, but it was home and now it was Gideon's too.

I left Gideon to sleep on the sofa in the living room while I went to summon Will. Will was a demon of some sort, never seemed like it. He was always super shy and oddly easy to manipulate, hence why he was my servant. Dipper calls him his, but I was the one who put in most of the work to enslave him. Good memories.

'Will, go prepare a guest bedroom. Make it clean and tidy. And if it isn't the best you can do, then do better. Or it's the torture chamber again.' I ordered him. The bitter blue triangle floated off upstairs and I was alone with Gideon again.

'Wake up my precious.' I snapped my fingers and Gideon's eyes fluttered open like an angel. He took a quick look around and grimaced at the unfamiliar things.

'MABEL?' He finally shrieked.

'Yes dear, it's me. Now let me tell you why you're here.' I beamed.

'Mabel, what is this? Have you kidnapped me? I ha-love you so much! Why can't I say my thoughts?' Gideon yelled, rolling off the sofa to face me.

'Hmm, it seems the spell has only worked halfway. I'd cast it again, but I'm scared it'll have side effects if used too much on the same person.' I murmured, ignoring Gideon as I tapped my chin for ideas.

'Spell? Mabel, what are you doing?' Gideon asked about the stupid spell again. It's not like he needed to know anything anyway, as long as I could cast the spell on him again I didn't need to tell him anything.

I clicked my tongue and my blue dream demon slave appeared. I shoved Will a key and ordered him to lock Gideon in his room until I knew how to figure out the spell once and for all. If only Dipper was here, sucks to be older when you aren't the smarter one.

hey guyssss! ik this chapter isn't loads but hope it's enough for context to show what mabel is planning to do! btw I'm planning a sequel even tho ik it's way too early to do that 🥰✌🏻

-squishiipeeps 💕

-squishiipeeps 💕

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King Of My Heart (Reverse Falls/ Dipcifica/ DipperXPacifica)Where stories live. Discover now