t w e n t y

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Rule number one, is that you gotta have fun

But baby when you're done, you gotta be the first to run

- Marina -

Dipper Gleeful

'Ma chérie means something you don't need to know. Let's just say it's a name I'm giving you because you said you didn't like the previous name I gave you.' I responded to Pacifica's question, this girl was either dumb or didn't study.

'Yeah, I hate the nickname Pazzie but ma chérie is Italian right?' She scratched her head prettily.

'It's not, it's French.' I said simply and didn't say any more.

'Then can you tell me what it is?' She looked at me in all seriousness.

'Look it up or something.'
'But how would I know how to spell it? And you saw how my phone was dead.'
'Guess, it is not my own problem to research on a topic that I already have enough knowledge of.'

Pacifica then proceeded to bother me for half an hour until I gave her an answer to how we'd get back to Reverse falls. What she didn't know, we were already going back.

You see, everything can only be planned, nothing happens coincidentally, unless you're stupid.

I knew perfectly well where the bus was going, it was heading to California, it would pass by Idaho, then take a route into Oregon. From there we could take any transportation at all and go back to Reverse Falls.

Me? Looking hopeless? As if ever.

I explained it all to Pacifica but she wouldn't stop worrying about the timings.

'Don't you have a phone?' I asked her, I had seen her trying to find signal last night before the attack.

My question also made me think about the monster that attacked her. If I hadn't stepped in Pacifica would've died, she owed me an apology. Now that I had the journal 3 from her I could combine the secrets from 2 and 3. Once I found 1 before Mabel would I could finally stop her from her delirious thoughts.

'Yeah, but it's dead. I've told you a million times. Don't you have a phone, you were texting me like a stalker that night?' Pacifica asked, as she poked the screen of her phone frantically as if that would revive it.

My mouth dropped wide open. Me? A stalker? 'Excuse me? You think I'm a stalker?'

'Well... yeah! How did you get my number?'
'I already told you that I have my ways.'
'Yeah but that's so weird.' Pacifica's brows furrowed as she said that, she was definitely suspicious. Contrasted to the things I normally do, the way I got her phone number wasn't so weird, I just used my 'dark magic' (according to her).

(yes but like... that isn't stalker-y at all yunno??)

'Fine, then at least tell me, once and for all, what that thing from last night was.'

'You don't want to know.' I cautioned her, returning her cautious gazes, but her look intensified and she looked more worried than ever.

This only ever happens on rare occasions. The girl either wants to get closer to me or she's pretending to look interested for my favour.

Again, I looked towards Pacifica, she seemed genuine. It is unlike any look I have seen a girl give me.

No girl would have the desire to acknowledge the things that lurk in Reverse Falls, even if given the choice.

King Of My Heart (Reverse Falls/ Dipcifica/ DipperXPacifica)Where stories live. Discover now