t w e n t y - f o u r

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I told myself when I first met you, I'd never think of you this way

But if you could picture what I'm thinking, I bet you'd feel the same

-Marisa Maino-

Pacifica Pines

All I could in my head was a continuous ringing noise, it was so annoying and bothersome, that sound of the till opening and closing of course. Other than that it was Dipper's presence that was irksome to me, he was like some fly bothering me and however many times I tried to swat him away he kept coming back and flying around, clearly not getting the message.

Dipper kept repeating my name so much that I just closed the store to get rid of the customers, hopefully sorting out whatever Dipper was here for. After Mabel's little 'visit' I worked hard in the store, without Uncle Bud even asking me to, and probably earnt twice as much as any normal day.

I was now ringing in the last of the orders, glaring down at my hands, which were working hard by themselves without me even thinking, and trying not to even lay an eye on Dipper.

After waving off the last customer with a grim face, I locked up the till with my spare key and then pulled Dipper outside by the sleeve.

'What do you want?' I sighed, putting a hand to my forehead.

'I want a word with you, Pazzie.'

'You know I don't want you calling me that.'

'And here we are.' Dipper grinned, what trouble would he get me in this time?

'Yes, we are. Can I help you?' I crossed my arms, my brows furrowing.

'Yes. You sure can,' Dipper started. 'Pazzie.' He enunciated my weird nickname by emphasising the 'P'.

'Ugh. I'm so fed up of you calling me that. And you!' I poked an accusing finger at his chest, 'Got me freaking grounded! Now I can't leave the Mystery Shack until my uncle says so! All. Because. Of. You. Aargh.' I grit my teeth.

Dipper seemed very shocked at what I had said. His eyes widened and his mouth opened in surprise. 'You got grounded?' He asked meekly and curiously, not a single trace of insult in his voice.

'Yes! Because of you! I took you to the hospital to get better, you say thank you, get me grounded and even took the journal that I found!' I roared at him, furious and burning with rage and anger.

'Pacifica, I-'

'Oh, so now you call me by my real name. Ha. Ha. No! Whatever you're here for, I don't give a damn nor care. Bye.' I was really about to walk away and then Dipper said:

'It's about Gideon.'

'What about my cousin?' I looked back at Dipper.

'I think Mabel did something. Something bad.'

'And why are you telling me? I thought you were just as bad as she was, aren't you? You two are evil, immoral people. Your sister, almost killed me. If it weren't... for you... ummm... ugh whatever, you saved me but your sister! She really did try to kill me! You saw it!' I raised my arms in protest, but Dipper caught my arms before they could flail downwards onto him.

King Of My Heart (Reverse Falls/ Dipcifica/ DipperXPacifica)Where stories live. Discover now