f i f t e e n

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Pacifica Pines

I flipped through the pages of the book, each page more startling than the last, each page was covered in ink drawings, and lots of writing.

It seemed to be in tiny inscription and had odd symbols and creatures surrounding those pieces of long writing. The more I looked at it the colder I got, I already had my jacket on, and a cardigan underneath, was that not enough?

The wind was blowing from nowhere, the leaves of the trees around me weren't moving, not even the grass on the ground? So why did I feel like I was a target of some kind.

I flipped through the book one last time, tracing my fingers delicately through the writing, which left dents in the pages. I stuffed it in my jacket and started to head back to the Mystery Shack. The woods was the only place I was sure that I was going to be in solace.

Unconsciously, I was gripping onto the book harder than ever, maybe it was my instinct that told me I was in danger. Or perhaps it was the forest itself telling me I was.

Another gush of wind and I knew I had to go.

My reading was cut short and I really did have to go.

All this wind was distracting, and even though you know of summer breezes and such, this wind was no summer breeze!

A stronger gust of wind knocked the book straight out of my hands and the book flew off, landing on the forest floor a few paces out of my reach, I leapt down to grab it but the wind swirled and it once again landed out of my reach.

'It's like the heavens are playing with me.' I murmured under my breath.
'Maybe they are.' Came an almost instant reply. The voice sent a chill down my spine, it was unnerving and creepy. Was I being spied on?

The book was completely out of my reach, it was almost pointless to go get it, but I couldn't just give up now. I chased after it, it was as if someone was baiting me with the book.

Light started to seep through the silhouette of the woods and it told me that I was near the edge of the woods, I was almost cause and most definitely lost. I ran after the book, trying to get a better footing on the gradually wetter forest floor. The book is almost flying now, and getting further and further away from me.

It's like it wants me to give up, but I know I won't. The light gets brighter and more seeps in.

Before I can even control how fast I'm going. the book disappears, and soon, it's nowhere to be found. I squinted my eyes to peer through the obstructing light, but the book still isn't anywhere. Then, I spot it behind a tree. There is no wind or even a breeze now, so I assume it'd be safe to pick it up.

How odd for the weather to change in the time of the snap of fingers huh?

Dipper Gleeful

It almost cheered me up watching the blonde girl chase around the book that I wanted so badly, maybe I gave her a taste of her own medicine, since I have to go chase after that wretched book all the time.

Now that I know it's in her hands, I'm almost glad, even happy. I now know that the journal is in a girl's hands. And best of all, she doesn't know what lurks in the midsts of Reverse Falls.

Snapping me right out of my thoughts, was again the cackle of my sister's terrible evil laughing. She made me deaf and she knew it.

I made my way to her room, about to shit her up about whatever it was this time. When I opened the door, the first thing I laid eyes on was the desk that floated innocently above the floor. Then the plant, a pencil, and more things that floated vertically, horizontally for diagonally across the room. 'Mabel?'

Was the demonic girl of my sister even knowing what she was doing?

There she was, tilting upside down and back up again, laughing like the madwoman she was. This creeped me out of course. Making yourself float is one thing, but making everything in a room float is another. Someone may have that power, but that should be me. And only me.

'Mabel.' I reinforced sternly while she was upside down, her brown locks shaking left and right as she laughed.

'Yes brother dear? Have you gotten bored of spying on Princess Blondie Face?' She smiled wickedly at me, turning herself right side up.

Mabel clicked her fingers and everything fell back into their original place.
'I wasn't- what no! Why would I-? That's not the point. The point is... what is all this?' I stuttered, Mabel winced a little, she could probably feel like something was wrong.

She better not.

'I'd love to quiz you on Princess Blondie but I have more important matters on my hands,' upon saying that she clenched her fists, 'which is to get that cute little munchkin of that Pines boy to love me.' Mabel grinned again, but this time, it looked like she had a plan in mind.

After a second of silence she continued on. 'Of course, I'm not telling you.' Mabel bopped my nose without a trace of guilt in her voice. 'Because it's quite obvious you'll tell Miss Blondie Face about my plans, and you'll ruin them all.' Mabel pouted and mimicked the face of a crying girl, but she was back to her cold self in a split moment.

'Now, back you go.' Mabel turned me round and pushed me out her door, 'Toodles!' Mabel tried to give a sarcastic smile and rolled her eyes and she shut the door with a bang. The locking noises of three multiple locks could be heard, perhaps I shouldn't interfere at all then.

Princess Blondie Face huh?

Maybe it's time I give her another visit.

whoop whoop another chapter!! any guesses on what Mabel's plan is? not much to say today! so see you guys another time byeeee!

whoop whoop another chapter!! any guesses on what Mabel's plan is? not much to say today! so see you guys another time byeeee!-Squishiipeeps ✨

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