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Dipper Gleeful

Mabel was taking way too long dealing with the fangirls, she said she'd get them to go away before I could leave the car.

Why did I believe she could even deal with them by herself?

I ran my hand through my hair, once I felt that it was beyond perfect, I stopped, and ran my fingers upon where my birthmark is. I smirked, that got all the ladies' attention, I was proud of it. Beyond proud.

I closed my eyes and tried to sense what Mabel was thinking.

I really shouldn't have, since we promised not to use our magic on each other.

Drastic times call for drastic measures.


She was feeling a strong hatred, for?

The Pines.

I gagged at the thought, those grotesque and annoying pests.

I walked out of the limo, sure that no weird stalking girls were around any longer, and spoke while walking up the small group.

I looked up, seeming something I didn't expect, 3 people, instead of 2.

Then I saw something out of the ordinary.

A girl, standing next to the Pines boy. She was quite gorgeous, I did admit. She long blonde hair, tied up, and chocolate brown eyes, unlike Gideon's ugly ones.


I put my hands together, such as for me to think on the spot for what to do next in such an unexpected situation.

'Well well well, two Pines. Double the fun. Don't you think sister dear?' I smirked at Mabel.
'Yes, brother mine.'

'Wait how did you know I was a Pines?' The girl gawked at me suspiciously, not out of my handsomeness, which the girls normally love, but out of genuine interest.

If it weren't for the stupid Pines boy and girl, I'd be in the car, and not out here, having to clean up after my sister.

 I obviously lied.

'I heard. Idiot.' I sneered at the blonde girl. 'Sound travels.' 

I'm not dumb and irrelevant, unlike the Pines boy

'Excuse me? Who even are you?' She shot back at me, she didn't know who I was?

Darn, she must've been living under a rock for years.

Mabel laughed wholeheartedly, I'd never seen her have such a good and long laugh. She wiped a fake tear from her eye. 'You don't know who my brother is?'

'Better brush up on a local newspaper then, eh?' I insulted

At this moment, the Gideon Pines boy was completely silent, leaving him completely defenceless, this would be a good time to work up some of that magic up.

Not now. The girl was here, she'll damage my reputation if she sees anything. If it was only Gideon, no one would believe him, everyone knew the Pines hated us Gleefuls, but that was only because they were weirdos who had a crazy obsession with bringing us down.

My precious reputation.

I couldn't risk a bad thing on my clean slate today.

'My brother is Dipper Gleeful you absolute airhead.' Mabel continued, putting a lot of proudness into that, which I truly appreciated. Sometimes Mabel seemed like the only person who thought of me fondly.

'Who?' The blonde girl had puzzled face and when I read her mind, she knew nothing, she was new to Reverse Falls.

'The Dipper Gleeful? What a bonehead.' Mabel said the last bit quietly, but loud enough for all of us to hear.

'Umm.. ok.' The blonde half-nodded, to escape some embarrassment I guessed.

Who doesn't know me?

The great Dipper Gleeful? 

Please, that's an idiotic fact.

'The name is Pacifica, Pacifica Pines.'

'Paz why would you tell him! We don't want anything to do with these people!' The small Gideon boy shouted to 'Paz'.

'Hmm, Paz. How about Pazzie. Sounds cuter.', I lingered my finger over my chin and made it look like I was thinking. What idiot thinks on the spot on a daily basis?

'No! You don't get to call me that! Only my friends get to call me that. And that's Gideon. Not. You. Whoever you are, you don't get to call me that. An enemy of Gideon's is as good as mine.' Pazzie raised her voice at me.

Pazzie, an absolutely exquisite nickname I came up with of course. The girl seemed interesting.
'Hey, you don't get to raise your voice at my brother dimwit.' Mabel talked back at Pacifica.

'That's enough Mabel, enough with the weird insults. Let's go, the Pines aren't worth talking to anyway.' I called out to Mabel, who, as I told her to, returned to the car.

'Aren't worth talking to? Watch your stupid mouth, Gleeful!' The blonde shouted at me, I rolled my eyes and walked backwards before entering the car.

New girl huh.

New heart to break.

And we all know what's gonna happen next huh.
Ok lol.
It's so hard to say what Dipper thinks cuz he talks so, like, formally. *facepalm*
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