t w e n t y - s e v e n

601 13 1

Pacifica Pines

Was I being eaten?

No, I wasn't hurting.

And I am still thinking.

Digested bits of bodies can't do this right?

I was asking myself the silliest of questions to keep myself awake.

The slime removed itself from me.

Did I pass out?

I was in a whole other environment.

I was next to a gigantic tank of, swishing blue liquid. I pressed my hands on the tank, to get a better tank, but it was truly, just, clear blue liquid. That was the best way I could describe it.

'Souls.' The silhouette radiated.

'Sorry?' I stammered, pulling myself away from the tank. 'These are what, now?'

'Pacifica, these are souls.' It said back.

'S-souls.' I finally realised this wasn't the mansion. I was in white space. 'Huh.' I murmured as I saw a serene ghost of a body swim from one side of the tank to the other.

I needed to get away from here. Go back.

'Who are you?'

'I'm Gideon, can't you recognise me from my voice?' The disfigured person asked with worry. 'Pacifica, it's me!'

I leant back, almost tripping over myself. 'Gids? What happened to you?' I wanted to hug him so bad, but he just, wasn't him.

Gideon was short, yes, but shorter now. He didn't have the body of a person, nor a living being. It looked like I was talking back to some entity. It looked like he climbed out of the tank and didn't know where to go now.

'That witch did this! Mabel Gleeful is a bitch and you knew it, Pacifica! You did this to me!'

'I- what? No! Gideon! I could never!' I cried, I ran to him, blue goo dripping on the floor where he stood. It was gross, but he was my cousin.

Gideon Pines.

'You saw the way she treats us. She treats us like dirt, yet you just had to make me go to that stupid little show, and wander off that one night to go meet with that witch's brother!'

'You knew?'

'They're evil! I'm telling you!' Emotion was bursting here there and everywhere.

I wrapped my arms around him as he sobbed. I could almost feel the hurt in his voice. To be honest, I couldn't tell if he was crying from the odd snorting sounds he made but I saw teardrops fall out of little crevices of the figure. 'Gideon, I'm so sorry! I never knew you'd end up like this!'

'Pacifica! What are you doing here anyway? Did you get captured by Mabel too? Oh no! How will we ever get out?' The little crevices widened and I could almost see Gideon frown.

'No, I came to see if you were at the manor.' I gulped. Gideon wasn't going to like this. 'With Dipper.'


'Chill!' I held Gideon down. 'I told him I would. He was the one who came to me. Trust me, I don't think this was his doing!' I put both my hands on Gideon's shoulders (maybe they were his shoulders, I'm not sure) to reassure him.

'He came to you? That doesn't sound like the spoiled brat I know. You sure it was Dipper and not something Mabel conjured up?'

'I'm pretty sure it's Dipper.' I nodded certainly at Gideon. 'I felt like it was him.'

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