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Dipper Gleeful

I want to lean forward to see her reaction.

She's frozen in place, normally girls would keep saying flattering things about themselves, that's what I hated about girls.

But she doesn't, instead, she looks embarrassed.

I obviously meant the apology I offered her, and I knew she'd forgive me, this girl is still awkward.

'Just kidding, it's me. Obviously.' 

Pacifica looks away from my direction and frowned, not understanding what she's doing. Is she trying to play hard to get? I don't understand? Does she not get the joke?

She purses her lips then asks me a question, 'Who was that girl at the show?'

'There were many girls, which one do you mean ?'

'No, no, I mean, the one performing with you, you two look so familiar. I know you guys are siblings, but it's crazy how much you guys are alike.'

I thought she would have guessed out by now that Mabel and I were twins. We have the same hair colour. The same eye colour. Our outfits are so similar.

Is she blind?


'Hmm?' Like she was caught out.

'Mabel, she's my sister. Twin sister.'

'So that's why you two look so similar.'

Pacifica held out her hands as if she just worked out a case, and looked up at me smiling.

She then broke the silence by asking: 'So you're the older twin?'

I wish. Then Mabel would stop prying over my own possessions and the things I worked for.

'No, she's older by me by five minutes exactly.'

'That's quite cool, I wish I had a twin.' Then she glanced upwards and scrunched her nose like she was thinking really hard on something.

'I wish I didn't.' I muttered, sometimes I wish I could choke Mabel, I just don't let my impulses get ahead of me.

'I'm sure she's fine, she seems pretty cool.'

'I assure you she definitely isn't Paz.'

Pacifica immediately snapped at me, 'I told you not to call me that. I don't know you at all, heck why am I here again?' 

'Because you have fallen head over heels for me.' I claimed, I know I'm always right.

'In fact, I haven't. Stupid.' She flicked her hair behind herself sassily.

'Weirdo.' I said back to her.



'Know it all.'



So far, we've almost inched ourself towards each other without knowing, her finger was an inch closer to poking me in the chest. I could almost feel her huff against me.

Pacifica shot me a glare and leant back onto her seat.

I smirked slyly, she straightened herself.

'Just so you know, I won just now. You're definitely a bossy, stubborn know it all.' Pacifica laughed at my face.

'I could kill you here and now and no one would know.'

'Yeah yeah, we know, but would you really.' Pacifica shrugged sarcastically.

King Of My Heart (Reverse Falls/ Dipcifica/ DipperXPacifica)Where stories live. Discover now