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Pacifica Pines

The way back to the shack makes me feel uncomfortable, because of my experience, and the fear of getting lost makes me even more creeped out.

The more I concentrate on trying to find my way back the more strange sounds I hear and the more shadows I see that lurk around me. Suddenly, I stop abruptly, and shut my eyes tight.

'It's okay, it's going to be okay, I'm fine, everything is fine.' I mutter to myself to reassure me, I pat the side of my arm, calming myself down.

For a pure second, it's just silence. It was like there was only me in the world. Definitely all too quiet to be true of course.

And then something leapt out from the shadows, but I had spent so much time trying to find my way back that I didn't realise the sun had set and all I was relying on was just my own instinct, which brought me here in the first place.

I heard a fierce growl and something tackled me to the floor. I groaned in pain as head hit the hard forest floor, as I look back up something was fighting with the creature and I took this chance to run and scram.

It took me a minute just to lift my burning head back up but the creature was warded off by something else and since that thing wasn't me, it was a good time to go.

I ran until I heard a cry, seemingly human enough for me to sprint straight back.

Far enough, it was enough to see all that was happening. A blazing blue glow that light up that part of the forest, and that made me jump a little.

Now even more scared for the person, I ran faster towards the light source. Only to find a single person standing in the middle of the cleared space. Dipper.

A glowing blue light gradually died in his hand and he fell as soon as it did. 'Oh my god. Oh my god.' I kept repeating to myself. What did I drag someone else into?

'-so I'm only a someone else?'

Dipper Gleeful

I could tell that Pacifica was scared out of her wit. And I knew coming at this exact moment would benefit me, maybe not so much me, but at least Pacifica wasn't hurt.

Pacifica was leaning over me and kept muttering stuff like an ancient curse. She was frantic, looking at me and squinting so hard I didn't know it was even possible to se in such darkness. Was she crying?

Trying to see through her mind, I heard her say 'What did I drag someone else into?'

To that, I replied 'So I'm only a someone else?'

Pacifica covered her mouth with her hands after discovering I was still alive. Please, why wouldn't I be?

'Are you okay?' She glanced at me up and down, trying to see for wounds of any kind.

'Yeah.' I just said. Sitting up almost felt like trying to lift a burden.

'Were you the thing that attacked me? Or were you the one who-'

'Yes I pushed you, quite hard too, apologies.' I simply resumed her sentence.

Pacifica blinked blankly and then asked, 'What was that?'

And I replied, 'Don't know. It was trying to attack you though.'

After that, I tried to get up and Pacifica pushed me right down again, confused I repeated my action and she did too.

'Wait, I'm taking you to the hospital.' Pacifica fished our her phone, and attempted to call. To no avail, there was no service. I knew so.

'Pacifica, I'm most certainly fine, just let me get up.' I insisted, trying to get up again.

'No.' And down I went again.

'Pazzie, we can get there much faster, and you don't need service anyway.'

'How so?' She tilted her head at me, questioning me suspiciously.

'Like this.'

'I don't think that's going to-'

I gave a metallic tasting cough before I snapped my fingers and we landed in front of a hospital.

'-work.' Pacifica ended very sentence in awe, wide eyed at what I just did. In no time at all, Pacifica dragged me right in. In the bright light, the blood stains were clearly all visible.

My once perfect shirt was now ruined with grossly dried blood and it was torn up in all places. And this made Pacifica more teary eyed and me more embarrassed.

This scene obviously caused a stir in the reception and Pacifica let go of me and watched as I was carried into where I went next.

Yikes, this is probably the shortest chapter in this whole story haha. Nevermind all that. (U get it do u get it lmao)

Anyways, this is scheduled to be posted on my birthday so I really hope you guys enjoy this chapter, since it's my birthday, I'm gonna post this closer than I normally would! Have a nice day to all of you guys!

-Squishiipeeps 💕

-Squishiipeeps 💕

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