New friends

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Knock knock

"I'll get it!" Jungkooks mom yelled from the twins new room. She run down the stairs and opened the door.

There stood 5 small boys with smiles on there faces. It was Jungkooks new friends. They meet in kindergarten a few weeks ago.

"Sweetie your friends are here!" She yelled from the door.

"Can they come in the house? I want them to meet my cousins!" Jungkook yelled back with his tiny voice.

"Sure thing sweetheart!" She said as she let the tiny boys into the house. "His in the living room over there". She said as she pointed at the living room.

"Thank you beautiful lady!" They all said at once. She smiled as she saw the tiny boys run to the living room.

Once all the boys were in the living room, Jungkook introduced his new friends to his cousin. "Guys this is my best cousin, Kim Soekjin. But you can call him Jin. Jin this is my friends. Jimin, Taehyung, Naamjoon,

" Hello's " and "nice to meet you's" were said as the made up handshakes with Jin. They clicked for same reason. It was as if they were friends since before t was.....weird.

As they were watching action shows, the heard cry from upstairs. It then became two.

"Jin sweetie can you please go and get the twins, I'm sure they are tired of sleeping!" His aunt said from the kitchen. She was making lunch for the boys.

"Sure thing!" He shouted back. "Can one of u guys help me get my baby brother and sister? I promise they won't bit u....yet" Jin says with a nervous smile.

"I'll help, I really wanna see them now that u mentioned it." Taehyung said as he stood up first and fast.

They went up and got the twins calming down slowly. They took them and while they calmed them down they went down stairs. Y/N and Yoongi care down and played with Tauhyung.

"Guys these are my life. My baby sis and baby bro. They are turning 2 in ##/##/####." Jin said as he walked into the living room.

They greeted and played with the twin. They ate and watched TV. After a long long play date it was over. They went home with a smile. Jin, the twins, Jungkook and Jungkooks mom ate and went to bed.

A/n: sorry for the short chapter. Promise I will get you one so. Not know though. Please tell me how I'm doing.🙏🙏😢🙏 don't forget to vote and commit

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