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No ones P.O.V:



Why him?

Who would do something so horrible?

What did he ever do to

Suga! Where are you?!

These questions were that were going through Y/N, Jin and Jungkooks mind as they were looking everywhere for Yoongi. They went back to were they were yesterday and looked. Well they never told Aunt Jeon that they were leaving.

They left to the carnvel once aunt Jeon fall asleep. They have been here since 7 pm and now its 2 in the morning. They ever stopped looking. They had to find him.

They looked everywhere but nothing. They looked again but nothing. They looked about 56 more times but still the same answer came.

At 8 am they were still there looking for Yoongi. They even call the police to tell them someone kidnapped there brother. They opened a cast and are now helping them look for there Suga. 

At 8:30 am they saw a car pull up the front gate. The carnvel is not yet open, why is someone already here so early. They looked at each other with a "do-you-think-we-are-next" look.

The car door opened and Aunt Jeon speed walked over to them. She had a worried but angry look on her face. "Oh-oo" came out of Y/N's mouth by mistake and Aunt Jeon heard it.

"Oh-oo indeed. How long have you three been here?!" Once she got by them those where the first words to leave her mouth. She was shouting now. Her voice growing louder and louder by the second.

They didn't think this through. They still not think things through and letting whatever that was in there mind out. They didn't care at the moment, they just wanted Yoongi back.

"We warned you so many times mom! And now look, his gone!" Jungkook was first to speak. He was shouting at her face. Her eyes widened as he said that. She was shocked. He never spoke like that before.

"Its your fault his gone! You never believed use when we told you everything, you always said its just in our minds!" Jin was next, he couldn't calm his voice down. He was also shouting at her.

"You took him away from me! What if his died?! I will never forgive you if he is! You should of just listened to use and we wouldn't have been in this mess!!" Y/N was the loudest and most angry. Her twin brother, her other half is gone and she blames her aunt for it.

She scared, they all are. He might me died. They might hurt him. They looked at each other and ran. They ran out of the carnvel to a nearby river. Leaving Aunt Jeon standing there in shock.

Help is all they needed...

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