~•Chapter 3•~

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You yawned quietly as you woke up in the medicine cat den, the sun was already setting. SpottedLeaf, padded inside to see you awake, "hello Y/W/N, how are you feeling?"

You licked your paws before yawning again, "I'm feeling better, I think I've healed enough." SpottedLeaf took a look at your shoulder, sighing.

"Well you can walk around camp, but you can't go back to your warrior duties yet," SpottedLeaf mewed, causing you to roll your eyes. "Look it will take a while, I know you've been in here for 3 days now but it has to heal."

You stud up and nodded, "ok, I'll walk around camp, thank you SpottedLeaf." She have a nod of acknowledgement as you padded out of camp.

You went towards the fresh kill pile to grab a mouse however you heard someone Call your name, "Hey Y/W/N, over here!" You saw DarkStripe and LongTail calling you over. You grabbed a plump mouse and walked over to them.

"Hi Y/W/N, how's your shoulder?" LongTail asked, as he took a bite out of his own mouse.

"It's fine it just stings a little, I can't go back to my warrior duties yet though." You meowed, also taking a bite of your mouse, DarkStripe purred in Amusement.

"SpottedLeaf always takes good care of wounded cats, she just wants to make sure your ok." You nodded, you finished your Mouse and groomed your pelt until it was nice and silky.

"Where's TigerClaw?" You asked the two tom's.

"He's gone training RavenPaw how to fight," LongTail responded, you nodded and continued talking with your best friends.

Finally, after talking about how the RiverClan warriors were fish brains, you decided to settle down for the night, you went back to the medicine cat den. You laid down in your nest and was going to drift to sleep until you saw TigerClaw at the entrance of the medicine cat den.

"What are you doing here? You should be asleep it's late," you mewed, the tabby shook his head slightly.

"I couldn't sleep, I wanted to know if you were ok, since your my best friend," he murmured. You sighed quietly.

"Well I'm fine, I should be going back to my warrior duties tomorrow." TigerClaw laid beside you, he was going to sleep next to you before SpottedLeaf shooed him out.

"TigerClaw leave her alone, she needs to rest!" The tortoiseshell she-cat mewed stubbornly. TigerClaw sighed in defeat and said goodnight to you before leaving.


Finally, it was the next day and you could go back to your warrior duties, SpottedLeaf took the cobwebs off your shoulder, "it's going to leave a scar but you'll be fine, also TigerClaw isn't here, he's gone with RedTail and RavenPaw to win back sunning rocks."

You stretched, happy that you were able to hunt for your clan again, GoldenFlower greeted you, "I see your finally out of the medicine cat den." You nodded.

"How's SwiftKit, I'm sorry that I wasn't able to see him when he was born," you mewed, GoldenFlower purred.

"He's fine, how about to come and see him," GoldenFlower responded. You eagerly nodded and followed The golden she-cat to the nursery.

You went into the nursery to see a tiny white Tom-kit with black patches and beautiful amber eyes. "Awww, he's beautiful!" You cooed, GoldenFlower's eyes lit up with happiness.

"Yes he's my gorgeous son," GoldenFlower murmured, she laid down next to her kit, licking SwiftKit's head as he mewed, trying to push his mother away playfully.

"Do you want me to get you some fresh-kill?" You asked.

Golden stared into your E/C eyes and nodded politely, "yes please, thank you."

You quickly grabbed a vole from the fresh-kill pile and ran back to the nursery, gave GoldenFlower the vole and saying good bye.

You went to sit with DarkStripe and LingTail, however you saw LionHeart and WhiteStorm enter camp with a ginger Tom behind them. BlueStar went to them, talking about something you couldn't hear before she leaped upon the high rock to call a clan meeting.

"We have a cat joining us today," BlueStar mewed, "because of the threat that ShadowClan is creating we need all the help we need which is why we are recruiting this cat in front of us."

Everyone stared at the ginger Tom, some murmuring to each-other, then LongTail spoke up, "he has a collar, he's a kitty pet!" LongTail stepped forward, facing the ginger cat with blue blazing eyes. "That collar will make you a poor hunter. worst of all it will bring the two legs into the territory, looking for the poor lost kitty pet who fills the woods with his pitiful tinkling."

Many cats yowled in agreement, you didn't join in, thinking that LongTail was being too harsh.

"So are you up for a challenge," LongTail threatened, his claws unsheathed, "I'll claw your fur off to show you kitty pets won't survive these harsh lands!"

The kitty pet then leaped in fury at LongTail and they became a yowling mess of teeth and claws. The ginger cat, which you found out was named rusty. Flew on top of LongTail, ripping the tabby's ear, LongTail shook him off and grabbed the kitty pets collar. You finally stepped in as rusty was struggling to breath.

"Stop, your going to kill him LongTail!" You yowled, LongTail glared at you and in that moment the collar snapped, releasing Rusty.

The two cats glared at each other, their bodies still in a fighting stance until BlueStar stopped the fight.

BlueStar then gave the kitty pet an apprentice name, FirePaw. As everyone cheered you followed LongTail to the medicine cat den. Once you entered you saw SpottedLeaf treating LongTail's ear.

"What do you want?" LongTail mumbled, you flattened your ears, staring at your paws.

"I'm sorry that I was stopping you, but you couldn't kill the poor cat. He was going to be strangled by that collar," you mewed. LongTail just grunted, ignoring what you said.

You sighed and padded out of the Medicine cat den. You were about the leave camp to hunt but SmallEar yowled and eventually RavenPaw appeared from the bushes that covered the camp entrance.

"RavenPaw?" BlueStar's mew echoed throughout the clearing. The small black Tom didn't respond.

"What has happened? Where's TigerClaw and RedTail?" You asked, worried for the tom's safety. He still didn't respond his eyes wide.

"Speak, RavenPaw!" BlueStar meowed, RavenPaw stud there, he trembled and finally got his words out. "R-RedTail is dead!"

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