~•Chapter 7•~

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Of course ShadowClan will attack when our leader isn't around!

You looked around to see DustPaw fighting a brown tabby, you ran over to help him, leaping from behind, you claw the tabby and dug your claws into his pelt. Shaking you off, he snarled at you, DustPaw jumped at him clawing his face, making him flee. You were about to help LionHeart however a brown cat pushed you over, knocking you to the ground, you looked up to see ClawFace.

"Well, someone isn't going to see the light of day again!" He yowled, raising a paw with his claws, unsheathed. You struggled under his weight, trying to break free but you couldn't.

Well I guess I'll see everyone in StarClan...

You waited for the claws to hit your neck, for your blood to soak the forest floor, however you heard an angry yowl from behind.

"You get away from her!" The cat snarled, leaping at ClawFace, screeching at him. You struggled to get up but managed. You lifted your head up to see it was TigerClaw who saved you. As soon as he chased away ClawFace he ran towards you. "Are you ok?"

"Y-yes I'm fine, thank you," you purred quietly, "Let's get back into battle!" TigerClaw nodded and fought beside you through the whole thing.


The rest of the ShadowClan cats retreated and ThunderClan was weak, you breathed heavily, tired from the fight. TigerClaw padded towards you, "are you ok?"

He's always fretting over you...

You rolled your eyes, "of course I'm fine mouse brain, and stop fretting over me." The dark tabby blushed, mumbling under his breath. However a yowl from the medicine cat den scared you. Running over to the medicine cat den you saw LionHeart's body on the ground, unmoving. A drilled wail came from GreyPaw as he cried into His mentor's golden fur.

GoldenFlower ran over to her dead brother, sobbing. You bowed your head in respect for the deputy. Every cat gathered around to grieve for the lost deputy.

The dark night fell quickly over the clans and BlueStar called a meeting, "it is time to appoint a new deputy, however we give thanks to StarClan for the life of LionHeart, he was a brave and powerful cat and he would of made a fine leader." Their was a small pause before BlueStar took shaking breaths, "now, I say these words near the body of LionHeart, so he can hear and approve of my choice. The new deputy of ThunderClan will be TigerClaw."

You lifted your head up to see a powerful gaze in TigerClaw's eyes, he sat up a combed up the high rock, "thanks you BlueStar, for now on I will promise to protect the clan!" You and your clan mates cheered the tabby's name, however RavenPaw was whispering something to FirePaw and GreyPaw, you didn't bother to hear about it so she kept her eyes on the new deputy. Around two days passed and You heard BrindleFace had her litter of kits. So you decided to visit them, after the three apprentices, FirePaw, GreyPaw and RavenPaw left you crawled in to see four beautiful grey kits, two had darker flecks. Another kit was grey and white and final kit was pure black.

"There beautiful, BrindleFace," you purred, the queen smiled warmly as she looked at her litter.

"Yes they are, as beautiful as their Father," BrindleFace mewed gently. You nodded in farewell before leaving her friend to rest. As you padded out of the nursery you saw TigerClaw sitting beside the entrance, gazing at the blue sky. You sat beside him.

"What did you think of the kits?" TigerClaw meowed, still keeping his eyes of the sky.

"There healthy and beautiful," you responded, their was a brief silence, then you spoke again, "do you think I'll ever have kits?"

TigerClaw's eyes widened as he stared into your E/C ones, he sighed and mumbled, "eventually you will, depends on who your mate will be." You looked down to see TigerClaw's huge claws dig into the forest floor below him.

Was he mad about something...?

Suddenly a yowl erupted from the nursery, "my kits are gone!" It was Frostfur. TigerClaw immediately raised to his paws and began searching, you also looked around until you heard Your clan mates gather around the medicine cat den, bowing their heads.

Oh please don't let it be another death, we have had enough blood spilled.

However of course you were wrong as you saw the body of SpottedLeaf...

Of course people believed that it was Yellowfang, along with RavenPaw. After you grieved for yet another lost life, the storm above was getting worse. you padded towards the Warriors den and groomed your soaking P/C pelt. After that you saw FrostFur chase RavenPaw away from the nursery. You sighed, hoping that FirePaw will be able to save RavenPaw from this mess of lies that you never believed. The lies that TigerClaw told you to try and dislike the poor apprentice.


It had been a while, a patrol when out to search for the lost kits. But TigerClaw wasn't assigned to it. Which obviously made him furious, however FirePaw, GreyPaw and the Patrol came back with Yellowfang and FrostFur's four kits.

"Why did you bring back the traitor?" DarkStripe meowed. After FirePaw explained what happened, LingTail butted in.

"She killed SpottedLeaf!" The tabby Spat.

"If you look in SpottedLeaf's claws, there's the brown fur of ClawFace, not YellowFang's grey fur," GreyPaw protested, BlueStar looked at you and gave a nod for you to see if GreyPaw was telling the truth.

You padded slowly towards the medicine cat den, where SpottedLeaf's body lay, you felt the gazed of your clan mates pierce through you as you examined SpottedLeaf's Claws to see Brown Fur.

You walked back to the crowd were everyone was waiting for an answer, "GreyPaw is right, the fur didn't belong to a grey cat," after the crowd rippled is surprised mews. TigerClaw rolled his eyes.

"But she helped take the kits!" The tabby Tom snarled, you rolled your eyes and snapped at the deputy, he then became quiet as FirePaw explained.

YellowFang now replaced SpottedLeaf at the medicine cat, and Brokenstar was banished!

Then FirePaw explained that RavenPaw was dead, you knew that TigerClaw wasn't grieving for his apprentice..

But BlueStar leaped into the high rock to give FirePaw and GreyPaw their warrior names, "From this day forward you'll be known as FireHeart and GreyStripe, ThunderClan honers both of these cats their bravery, you have become fine warriors."

Everyone cheered for the two new warriors, of course except for TigerClaw...

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