~•Chapter 11•~

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You were woken up early to the sound of snoring, your eyes flickered open as you looked to the moss nest beside you to see TigerClaw loudly snoring, rolling your eyes, you yawned and padded out of the warriors den and out of camp. You decided to go for a night walk as you padded through the quiet forest, hearing the crickets chirp, you sat near the stream and looked at your reflection. You saw the silver moonlight gently shining on the river.

Ever since TigerClaw and GoldenFlower became mates, You felt so distant towards TigerClaw, LongTail and DarkStripe, even GoldenFlower didn't seem to talk to you. Sighing, you crouched and touched your nose against the cold water. Then you saw the reflection of TigerClaw appear behind you. Quickly, you turned around to see no one.

As you looked back to the river TigerClaw's reflection appeared in the water, and suddenly the river turned red. You screeched in alarm, your P/C pelt fluffed up. "Who's there? Y/W/N?" You heard a familiar voice call. You spastically turned your head, seeing no one again. You were now breathing heavily. Until the voice got louder, "Y/W/N! There you are!" You looked up to see, of course, TigerClaw with a worried but stern look on his face. "Why are you out here, and In the middle of the night!"

You glared at him, "well it's not my fault that you were snoring so loudly!" TigerClaw stared wide eyed at you, a blush appeared on his face from embarrassment. "Also why should you care that I'm out here, you have a mate to give your love to," you spat.

"Well you are my best friend, so your coming back to camp now!" He boomed, you didn't flinch at his response, you just rolled your eyes and padded back to camp, with the dark tabby following closely behind.


TigerClaw kept you inside of the warriors den for more sleep, you were frustrated by how much he was controlling you. Laying in your moss bedding, DarkStripe padded into the warriors den to give you a small, scrawny mouse. "TigerClaw wants you to eat this," he meowed, no friendliness in his voice. He placed the mouse next to you and left.

You mentally sighed and looked at the mouse, eating it slowly.

Even my old friends don't give a pigeon about me...

Your thoughts were cut of as soon as you heard BrindleFace's distressed voice. "My kits are missing!"
You leaped out of your nest and out of the den, every cat was on the search for the kits, you ran out of camp to look for them. Suddenly, you heard giggling(?) close by you followed the small noises until you saw two grey pelt in the snow. You padded quickly up to the balks of fur to find AshKit and FernKit, "what are you two going here?" You meowed sternly at them. The two kits yelped in surprise which caught the attention of another kit, all you could see was a pair of blue eyes in the snow

"it was CloudKit's idea!" FernKit wined. CloudKit proudly jumped around with a vole in his jaws. You gave a scornful look as the kits all lowered their heads. Then you heard paw steps behind you, you turned around to see SandStorm and FireHeart.

"There you three are!" FireHeart mewed, "BrindleFace will be thankful, Y/W/N." FireHeart picked up AshKit whilst SandStorm Picked up FernKit, leaving you to gently pick up CloudKit, with his vole still in his jaws.


As soon as you arrived back to camp, BlueStar gave them a scolding and everything went back to normal, but of course something had to happen.

You were sat with BrindleFace and WhiteStorm, along with their kits, Sharing Tongues and relaxing underneath a large tree. However OneWhisker from WindClan barged into camp. "What are you doing here, OneWhisker?" BlueStar's voice called from the high rock.

"RiverClan and ShadowClan are attacking WindClan!" OneWhisker responded, ThunderClan gave alarmed glances.

"We will aid you in this attack," BlueStar meowed, "TigerClaw, LongTail,DarkStripe, Y/W/N, FireHeart, GreyStripe, SandStorm, DustPelt, BrightPaw and SwiftPaw. You will go and help WindClan!"

With that you and the chosen cat and nodded and followed OneWhisker towards WindClan territory. You leaped into battle to attack StoneFur, the grey Tom snarled at you as you clawed his ear. He leaped at you and bit your back leg, yowling, you glared at him and shook him off then dug your claws into his back, he quickly retreated.

You suddenly felt someone leap on top of you. Crushed by the cats weight, you saw the glaring eyes of BlackClaw, "do you ever give up?!" He snarled, you tried to lift yourself up, which resulted in his claws digging into your back, you yelped as he continued to dig his claws deeper, "you know, RiverClan could do with a cat like you, however I think it's better off to kill you!" BlackClaw swiped his claws across your face, and bit your front left leg, he was ready to take his finishing blow before TigerClaw grabbed the tom's scruff and made him scurry off.

"He never learns does he?" He tabby growled, "are you ok?" You nodded, slightly coughing from being crushed. "You will stay close to me until the fight is over," he ordered. As he said that the two of you saw FireHeart pleading for TigerClaw's help as LeopardFur was about to kill him.

Disobeying TigerClaw, you ran weakly towards him and threw LeopardFur of the ginger Tom, GreyStripe ran time your side as the two of you chased the she-cat off.

The battle came to an end as FireHeart and RunningWind beat NightStar and TigerClaw almost killing Crookedstar.

As ThunderClan walked back to their camp, you limped weakly at the back. Trying not to since In pain, you suddenly tripped over your own paws and into the snow. As you shook your pelt, TigerClaw helped you up. You thanked him as the two of you padded closely together. However you saw GreyStripe and FireHeart gave each-other worried glances as they looked at the two of you. However, you just shook it off as you arrived back to camp and went to see YellowFang and CinderPaw.

A/N: I only now realised that I forgot about Brokenstar and the rouges attacking the camp, so I guess pretend that it happen...? (Mainly cause I can't find a place to put it)

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