~•Chapter 23•~

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You yawned and looked around, FernCloud was in the nursery with SpiderKit and Shrewkit, and BrightHeart has moved into the nursery a few sunrises ago, but today was the time all your kits became apprentices. Some of the warriors were already awake. FireStar pokes his head into the nursery, "it's time for your kits to become apprentices." He mewed, you nodded as he walked away.

"Come on you five," you gently mewed, all your kits flickered their eyes open and looked at you, "can't we sleep for a little bit longer?" MothKit wined, you shook your head.

"It's your apprentice ceremony today." You mewed, HawkKit leaped our of the nursery followed by SilverKit, MothKit and CloverKit followed along, talking about something and RavenKit padded close to you.

"All cats old enough to catch their own prey gather beneath the high rock for a clan meeting!" FireStar meowed, once every cat was sat and listening, FireStar began, "HawkKit, MothKit, SilverKit, CloverKit and RavenKit step forward."

Each of your kits stepped up, HawkKit, CloverKit and SilverKit were excited, MothKit looked a bit uneasy and RavenKit shook in fear. "HawkKit from this moment until you've earned your warrior name, you'll be known as HawkPaw, your mentor is AshFur."

"MothKit from this moment, until you've earned your warrior name, you'll be known as MothPaw, your mentor is DustPelt."

"CloverKit from this moment, until you've earned your warrior name, you'll be known as CloverPaw, your mentor is Brackenfur."

SilverKit from this moment, until you've earned your warrior name, you'll be known as SilverPaw, your mentor is MouseFur."

"RavenKit from this moment, until you've earned your warrior name, you'll be known as RavenPaw, your mentor is GreyStripe."

All your kits touched noses with their new mentors and were congratulated. You sighed hooding that your kits will be ok with their mentors, however you saw FireStar looking concerned about something, you decided to go and hunt.

You padded through the forest until you scented a mouse, finally you spotted it, you dropped into a hunters crouch then after a few moments you leaped at the mouse and swiftly killed it, you smiled proud of your catch until you heard someone laugh from behind you, swiftly you turned around and saw... no one?

You quickly covered your mouse up to pick it up later and walked off to find more prey. After a few minutes you caught another mouse and a shrew. You picked them up and went to find the mouse you buried, you found the spot were the mouse was and saw that your mouse was gone, you heard another laugh but shrugged it off and quickly walked back to camp, once you arrived, you placed your prey on the fresh-kill pile.

HawkPaw then padded up to you, "hi mother! Are you ok? you look a bit shook." You just laughed it off.

"I'm fine, but maybe you should go and hunt with AshFur, I'm sure he won't mind." HawkPaw nodded and padded off to find his mentor, you saw MothPaw talk to CinderPelt.

You stared in confusion and padded up to them, "can I talk to you for a second, CinderPelt?" The dark she-cat nodded and sent MothPaw away.

"So, what's wrong Y/W/N?" She asked.

"What was MothPaw talking about?"

CinderPelt looked at the golden she-cat who started talking to SorrelPaw, "well she was asking me about herbs and wanted to help out."

"Does she want to be a medicine cat?" You mewed, CinderPelt just shrugged.

"I don't really know, maybe."

You sighed, "well I don't mind what she becomes, maybe you could ask FireStar?"  You mewed, CinderPelt nodded and padded off to FireStar's den, you decided to see how RavenPaw was doing. "Hello RavenPaw, how are you doing?"

RavenPaw lifted his head up and smiled, "I'm doing great, GreyStripe has already shown me around the territory!" He mewed, excitement beamed from us eyes for once.

"That's Great RavenPaw, GreyStripe will be the greatest mentor for you."

Then you saw GreyStripe padding towards you and RavenPaw, "Can I speak with you Y/W/N?" You nodded and followed GreyStripe to the entrance of camp, "why did you name one of your Kits SilverPaw?"

"W-well, I named her that because she reminded me of SilverStream," you quietly mewed.

GreyStripe, "now that I look at her, she kinda does remind me of SilverStream..." GreyStripe shook his head, "anyway thanks for telling me, and also are you joining the gathering?"

You shook your head, "no I think I'll stay for once." GreyStripe nodded and padded off to see FireStar, you looked around and saw MothPaw pad up to you.

"Do you want to become a medicine cat?" You asked her, she pricked her ears up in suprise, "it's obvious and I won't judge you if you want to become a medicine cat."

MothPaw looked at her paws and nodded, "is this why you wanted to talk to CinderPelt?" You gave a small nod.

"Look, CinderPelt has asked FireStar about it so maybe you can be a medicine cat." MothPaw jumped around happily and nuzzled into your fur, "oh, thank you, thank you, thank you!" She squealed.

You laughed at her actions however she had to go for her first gathering already, along with her brothers and sisters.

On the other hand you decided to go and rest up for the next day, so you padded to the warriors den, crouched into your nest and quickly fell asleep.

You flickered your eyes open to see that your not in your nest but in a forest, you shook your pelt and looked around, the trees we're crooked and dark, with blood red leaves hanging from their branches, the ground was muddy and murky like a swamp and the sky? Well it was just pure darkness, you cautiously walked around and was no one around that was until you were tackled to the ground by a large cat, they snarled and sighed their claws into your shoulders, you cried in pain, however the creature on top of you stopped and released you, as if it realised something then you heard them speak...

"Y/W/N? Is that really you...?"

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