~•Chapter 25•~

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You woke up, it was silent in the Warriors den, everyone was still asleep, however you still had something lingering in your mind, you stud up and padded out of the warriors den, looking around you saw no one, but you did see something near the medicine den. Slowly, you walked up to the entrance to the medicine den and saw a moth's wing.

Your mind went back to what TigerStar told you, did HawkFrost really plant a fake sign? You stared at the wing for a moment.

"Did TigerStar tell you?" You heard someone murmur, you turned around to see HawkFrost staring at you with this piercing blue eyes.

"Yes, he did, but if he wants MothWing to be happy then I'm ok with it." The dark tabby stared into the leaders den for a moment before turning his attention back to you.

"I've seen him," HawkFrost meowed, you flicked your ears and stared at him in surprise.

"Really?" You mewed.

HawkFrost nodded and look up at silverpelt, "so has SilverTail and RavenFlight, he believes that the three of us can become great warriors with his training."

"But why not CloverLeaf?" You meowed.

"She thought it was best not to take his training for some reason." HawkFrost looked at the leaders den again, he unsheathes his claws, causing you to question his actions however you shrugged it off.

You placed your tail on his shoulder, "let's get more sleep before everyone else wakes up." Your son nodded and followed you to the warriors den.


The next day, you exited the warriors den, you saw a few warriors up, then you saw CinderPelt standing at the entrance of the medicine den, looking down at something. She picked it up and carried it to the leaders den, son enough FireStar cane out and called for a clan meeting, once everyone gathered around he started the meeting, "CinderPelt has had a sign from StarClan," FireStar mewed, "a Moth's wing found near the medicine den."

FireStar looked down at MothWing, "This must mean that StarClan must want MothWing as a medicine cat, so I now ask, MothWing, do you want to be my medicine cat apprentice?"

The golden tabby excitedly nodded her head, the Clan cheered for her, and you saw in the distance HawkFrost smiling in the distance, CloverLeaf came up to MothWing to congratulate her.

Once every cat left, you sighed and padded up to MothWing, "are you sure you want this?"

"I'm sure Y/W/N, if StarClan gave a sign then I must become a medicine cat," MothWing meowed.

CinderPelt purred in amusement, well let's go to the moonstone for you to become a medicine cat."

MothWing followed CinderPelt out of Camp, CloverLeaf sighed and left to find RavenFlight. You quickly groomed your pelt and went to grab a piece of fresh kill, you noticed that SpiderPaw and ShewPaw were sitting near the entrance of camp.

Their probably waiting for a patrol, you thought, so you shrugged it off and grabbed a mouse from the pile, after a few bites, you finished your fresh kill, soon after you saw FireStar pad up to you, "I'm going on patrol, could you give some prey to SandStorm for me?"

You nodded in agreement and the leader thanked you and went on a hunting patrol with MouseFur, SpiderPaw, Shrewpaw and LongTail. You picked up two plump mice and carried them to the nursery, you saw SandStorm and BrightHeart with their kits happily sleeping next to them, "Hello SandStorm, BrightHeart."

The two she-cats lifted their heads and greeted you, "hello, Y/W/N, is something wrong?" SandStorm mewed.

"No, but I brought fresh-kill for both of you," you mewed as you gave them the mice, they thanked you and ate.

Once BrightHeart finished she looked at WhiteKit and sighed, "soon WhiteKit will be an apprentice."

SandStorm nodded in agreement, "she's around Five moons now, maybe she'll be an apprentice in another moon."

You purred in amusement, "well LeadKit and SquirrelKit will Be apprentices someday."

Suddenly you heard a blood curdling yowl, you darted out of the nursery to see LongTail on the ground, panting, his eyes were clawed with blood pouring. The rest of the patrol, CinderPelt and MothWing were close to him, "MothWing! Move him to the medicine den!" CinderPelt meowed, the tabby quickly grabbed LongTail by the scruff and carried him to the medicine den, the rest of the clan was on edge, you however quickly padded to the medicine den. You poked your head in to see LongTail in shock, laid down in a nest whilst CinderPelt helped him and taught MothWing, "how is he?"

CinderPelt sighed, "I don't know, he may go blind after what happened..."

"What did happen anyway?" You mewed.

"Apparently he was hunting a rabbit and it kicked its back legs at his eyes and escaped, but I'm sure after I place some marigold and cobwebs over his eyes and give him poppy seeds, he will be fine."

"It's just... he's been one of my closest friends, and once DarkStripe was killed and my mate TigerStar also died, I've only had LongTail as a close friend."

CinderPelt nodded in understanding, you sighed and laid next to LongTail, who was how being fed Poppyseeds and fell asleep next to him.

You found yourself in the dark forest, you padded slowly through the murky mud, and you saw Mapleshade waiting, "were going to start training, however TigerStar wants to see you."

You nodded and followed Mapleshade to were TigerStar sat on his large rock, ThistleClaw and DarkStripe were also there.

TigerStar leaped down and stud strait as he stared into your eyes "So, why were you caring so much for LongTail?" TigerStar meowed, you rolled your eyes.

"He's my closest friend, ever since you and DarkStipe were killed I've had no one close turn to, I love you too much to replace you." You murmured as you nuzzled into TigerStar's fur, causing him to purr.

"Well, I'm happy that you care for me so much." TigerStar murmured, "but we actually have two guests, two of our kits,"

HawkFrost and SilverTail appeared from behind the large rock, "HawkFrost, SilverTail? I thought RavenFlight also trained with you?"

TigerStar rolled his eyes, ThistleClaw grumbled under his breath, "he decided to turn down our training after a while, CloverLeaf convinced him to not train with us."

"Well anyway," TigerStar meowed, seeming to shrug it off, "ThistleClaw and DarkStripe, Train with SilverTail, HawkFrost train with me and Y/W/N will train with MapleShade."

You nodded and followed MapleShade over to a large open area, "Right, you will now learn the hold and enemy collapse..."

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