~•Chapter 22•~

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Around 5 moons had passed, and Scourge was defeated, killed. You were relived that his was gone, but nothing would bring TigerStar back.

"Look mom, I can catch this leaf!" HawkKit mewed, you watched as he jumped up in the air to catch the leaf, however he landed face first into the dirt.

You purred in amusement, "come over here so I can clean you." The blue eyed tabby happily trotted over to you and you began grooming his pelt. He shook the rest of the pieces of dirt stuck in his fur and darted of to play with SilverKit, MothKit and CloverKit were listening to the elders however RavenKit stayed by your side. "Don't you want to go and play?" You mewed.

RavenKit looked up at you and shook his head, "I would rather stay here." You sighed as you looked around RiverClan camp, ShadowClan has gone back to their own camp and LeopardStar had removed the BoneHill.

You turned your attention back to RavenKit, "you know, you'll have to go out of the nursery once your an apprentice," you softly mewed.

"I-I know," the black Tom murmured.

"O-ow!" SilverKit yowled, you padded up to her.

"what happened?"

She sat up after HawkKit tackled her to the ground and lifted her front left paw up, "a thorn got caught in my pad!"

You sighed, "here let's go to the medicine cat den to remove it." You took her to the medicine den, HawkKit closely followed behind.

"Hello, Y/W/N, what can I do for you?" MudFur asked, you told SilverKit to show her paw.

"She got a thorn stuck in her paw," you mewed, MudFur gently grabbed the thorn with his teeth, and took it out, SilverKit winced in pain until the thorn was out.

"Now I'll just put some marigold on it to stop infection." MudFur chewed up the Marigold and rubbed it on SilverKit's paw. "There you go, now just take it easy, ok?"

SilverKit nodded and followed HawkKit out of the medicine den, "thank you MudFur."

He smiled and nodded, "anytime Y/W/N." You padded out of the medicine den and back to the nursery, your kits were almost 6 moons old and were going to be apprentices, but you didn't feel happy. You saw MothKit and CloverKit padding out of the elders den, with a moss ball."

"Mommy, we gave some fresh-kill to the elders!" CloverKit mewed.

"Well done you two, you'll be great warriors!" You praised, "however, it's getting late, you can play tomorrow." MothKit pouted and sulked off to the Nursery, CloverKit giggled from MothKit's actions and ran off to the nursery.

You went to go see LeopardStar, "LeopardStar?" She raised her head, her amber gaze on you.

"Hello, Y/W/N, is everything alright?" She questioned, you shifted your paws slightly.

"Well I was thinking of going back to ThunderClan, with my kits, since I grew up there and my kits are pure ThunderClan, so They should grow up in ThunderClan too."

LeopardStar nodded and rose to her paws, "of course, you can leave tomorrow but take the stepping stones over the river," she mewed and placed her nose on your head, "it doesn't matter what anyone says about your kits, they will be great warriors."

You thank her and headed back to the nursery, however you saw the tabby pelt of HawkKit go into the nursery, once you entered the den, all of your kits turned to face you. "Is it true?" CloverKit mewed.

"What's true?" You asked.

"Are we leaving RiverClan?" HawkKit murmured, you sighed and nodded.

"Yes we are, it was were I was raised, look on the bright side you have a half-brother there."

Claws in my heart (TigerStar x reader)Where stories live. Discover now