~•Chapter 8•~

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It was early night, the full moon was out so it was a gathering tonight. You walked quietly behind BlueStar and TigerClaw until FireHeart padded up to BlueStar to talk about something, obviously the rest of the ThunderClan cats walked on, you quickly caught up with TigerClaw and arrived at four trees.

At four trees, you looked around to see RiverClan and ShadowClan, obviously no sign of WindClan. Eventually the gathering finally started.

"I have been chosen by StarClan to be the next ShadowClan leader," NightPelt meowed.

"Have you received your nine lives?" BlueStar asked.

NightPelt shook his head, "not yet, I still have to travel to the moonstone."

Then Crookedstar complain about something towards the ShadowClan 'Leader'

"However," Crookedstar meowed, "we have the uplands to hunt, so we have more prey." You snarled quietly until BlueStar's sharp meow rose from the rock.

"WindClan must return!" You and you clan mates all mewed in agreement, however CrookedStar was not impressed.

Once the gathering had ended, You walked alongside TigerClaw, "I know what BlueStar is going to do," you whispered. TigerClaw gave you a questioning look before you spoke again, "she will have the two bests friends set out to find WindClan."

It was silent all you got was an grunt from TigerClaw.

The next day, you were correct, BlueStar was sending the two newest warriors to find WindClan. They were about to leave but you padded quickly towards the camp entrance.

"Wait up!" You called, the two toms halted, turning their heads towards you. "Good luck and stay safe," you mewed as you nudged then both on the shoulder.

"Don't worry, I'm sure we will be fine!" GreyStripe meowed proudly, the two warriors left camp to find the missing clan.

Suddenly you jumped out of your fur as TigerClaw stud behind you, an angry look on his face. "What was that about?" He growled.

God this cat get annoyed when u talk to other toms!

"I was just saying good luck," you meowed, a little annoyed.

"There weak warriors, why give them luck when you know there going to die?" The tabby snorted. You stared at him, you couldn't believe that he would say that.

"Why are you so miserable when I talk to other toms, you even got angry when I talked to LongTail and DarkStripe once!" You snapped, he was about to reply but you placed a paw over his muzzle. "No, I can't be bothered hearing your stupid lies!" With that you stopped into the forest.

You snarled to yourself, you felt guilty for snapping at the older Tom, Wait no the deputy of your clan and your best friend! You sighed to yourself, it was getting late but you didn't want to go back to camp. Looking around the territory you found a bush to sleep in. You crawled into the big bush, which of course had enough space for you to sleep in, you crouched down and drifted off to sleep.

Dew drops from the bushes leaves hit your nose, you sneeze quietly before shaking your pelt. You slept through snow somehow. Stretching slowly you pad out of the bush, however you felt a sharp pain in your back leg, sitting down, you looked at you leg to see a wound.

I guess I cut myself on a thorn, the cut is surprisingly deep...

You tried to lip back to camp but you heard a noise erupt near the gorge, suddenly a patrol of TigerClaw, LongTail, DarkStripe, MouseFur and RunningWind.

"Where have you been, Y/W/N?!" TigerClaw boomed, "the clan has been looking for you!"

You lowered your head slowly, not wanting to respond, TigerClaw started sniffing the air, could he smell your blood...?

He turned to you and stared at your leg, seeing the deep cut from the thorn bush. "DarkStripe," TigerClaw ordered, "take her back to camp to see YellowFang," the dark warrior nodded and you followed him back to camp, again hearing cats yowl at the gorge, the rest of the patrol followed the noise as you followed DarkStripe.

After getting back to camp, many cats stared at you, with worried expressions on their faces. As you entered the medicine cat den, DarkStripe left to go back to the patrol. You saw YellowFang sorting herbs before turning her attention on your wound. "How did you manage that, you were outside for the whole night!" She scolded you like a kit.

"I was sleeping in a bush and I guess I cut myself on a thorn, by moving so much in my sleep?" You murmured, YellowFang rolled her eyes as she place a chewed marigold poultice on your wound.

"There, you should good, if you need anything just ask," Yellowfang meowed. You nodded before leaving the medicine cat den, and seeing that the patrol came back with FireHeart and GreyStripe.

Seem like they did restore WindClan!

You were immediately greeted by an angry TigerClaw, "what were you thinking? Sleeping out in the snow!" The tabby Tom snarled.

"I slept out of camp in the cold rain because of you, screaming at me for no reason!" You snapped. You were about to run back into the Forest, however TigerClaw blocked your path.

"Your not going anywhere! DarkStripe, LongTail, Jeep her in the warrior den!" The deputy called the two toms over and you obeyed his orders.


After resting in the warriors den, three apprentices were made, CinderPaw BrackenPaw and SwiftPaw. Once the boring meeting was over, you grabbed a small vole from the fresh kill pile. Whilst sitting alone, you saw TigerClaw sitting With GoldenFlower with their tail intertwined, your blood was boiling with jealousy. Wait did you really love your best friend? You took a bite of your vole and Saw FireHeart and GreyStripe taking out their new apprentices. After finishing your vole you decided to go out to roam the territory, suddenly you heard a splash, and hearing a yowl coming from a familiar cat.

That was GreyStripe...

You felt really dizzy, feeling your throat dry up as you let out small coughs. Shaking your pelt you padded back to camp to try and get more rest. Once you got back, you were yet again confronted by TigerClaw, "where were you...?" The tabby tried to stay calm, but you could see the anger I his eyes.

"I only wanted to take a walk," you croaked, TigerClaw rolled his eyes. You then turned your head to the entrance to see GreyStripe is a state with FireHeart taking him to the medicine cat den. Suddenly, you went into a coughing fit, your head spinner as the voices around you became blurred out and you fell to the cold ground...

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