~•Chapter 19•~

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You groaned in pain, your head was hurting as you tossed and turned in your nest, also twitching, "Y/W/N, please calm down," you heard CinderPelt mew. You shot your eyes open, breathing heavily. You looked around and saw it was just you, BrightPaw and CinderPelt.

"W-what happened?" You mewed, still shaking, CinderPelt stared at you.

"Well you found BrightPaw, after being attack by something," CinderPelt responded, "FireHeart is arriving shortly to ask you some questions. As she said that FireHeart walked into the den, a stern look on his face as he looked down at you.

"I'm going to ask you a few questions, you better answer them truthfully," FireHeart meowed, a bit of Harshness in his voice. You nodded quickly, "first question is what happened?"

You sighed as you tried to remember, "well I was trying to go to sleep but I couldn't so I was going to go out for a walk, however I saw SwiftPaw and BrightPaw leave camp, I followed them and they arrived at snake rocks, I watched as Dogs attacked them killing SwiftPaw and injuring BrightPaw, I couldn't help them because I could of died as well."

FireHeart nodded slowly then looked at BrightPaw who was still asleep, "next question is that did you set this up, leading the dogs into our territory, because you just watched and BrightPaw told us that you were there."

You growled and stared at the deputy in anger, "of course I didn't! As I said I couldn't help them since it would've put myself in danger, whoever brought the dogs here, and leading them to our camp then it must be some cat who hated us!"

FireHeart and CinderPelt stared at each other in alarm, you then realised that the cat who could've let the dog here could of been TigerStar.

FireHeart looked at his paws as if he was thinking of another question "Now the final question, are  you helping TigerStar?"

You gave an emotionless stare at him and shook your head, "no of course not."

"Thank you for answering those questions, I'll take my leave now." As FireHeart left the den, CinderPelt turned her focus towards you.

"I think TigerStar has brought the dogs to our territory," you meowed.

"What makes you think that?" CinderPelt spoke, you rolled your eyes in annoyance.

"It's clear, he hates us and wants revenge, so he is going to kill us through the dogs, we have to get rid of them!" You yowled, CinderPelt stared at you as if you were crazy.

Suddenly, you heard your clan mates outside rippled, shocked yowls erupted. You lifted yourself up and padded out of the medicine den with CinderPelt, you stared in horror as in the floor was the limp body of one of your few friends left, Brindleface. You quietly let out a sob as you stepped closer to Brindleface, the ice like eyes sent a shiver up your spine. You then left it all out and wailed loudly as you and all the other cats mourned for the loss of Brindleface.


Three sunrises has passed since Brindleface was found dead, you later found out that LongTail found TigerStar feeding them a rabbit, you were furious that he would kill Brindleface, let alone the whole clan as well as you.

The time had finally come that the dogs would be driven out, a few cats were assigned to lead the dogs to the gorge, however you were told by FireHeart to just stay away. You decided to hide in a bush that was fairly close to the gorge. You stayed silent but heard the distant  barking of the dangerous hounds. The dogs were close to there dead, however you saw TigerStar pin him down, anger flared through you as you saw TigerStar run away as the dogs caught up however BlueStar leaped at the dog and into the Gorge.

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