~•Chapter 13•~

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Early in the day, WindClan and ShadowClan attacked, it was horrible, you had friends in both of them clans, such as DeadFoot and NightStar, but you had no choise but to fight. However, ThunderClan won, making the WindClan and ShadowClan cats retreat.

Soon, the camp was silent. You had a few scratches here and there, however the silence was cut off as DarkStipe turned to BlueStar, anger in his eyes. "You brought this upon us, BlueStar!"

BlueStar glared at him, "we must do what we believe is right." DarkStripe snarled.

"For BrokenTail, I would of killed him myself!" Many cat agreed, but you kept quiet, TigerClaw then stepped in.

"This is your leader, you should show some respect." DarkStripe narrowed his eyes at them before padding away.

The two medicine cat's treated the wounds on each cat. You sat waiting with FireHeart as GreyStripe padded into camp, with prey in his jaws. "Were have you been?" TigerClaw growled.

"Catching prey, why what happened?" GreyStripe questioned, TigerClaw's anger rose.

"What does it look like?! WindClan and ShadowClan attacked," the deputy snarled. "We needed every warrior, and where were you, just catching prey?"

You and FireHeart looked at each other, you and him knew were he was, at sunning rocks with SilverStream.

"I've got my eye on you, as well as you FireHeart," TigerClaw growled and padded away.
You heard GreyStripe scoff, "see if I care."


Once CinderPaw treated your wounds, you decided to rest out in the forest, however you rest was interrupted by a chilling wail, you rise to your paws quickly and ran to the noise. There you saw SilverStream on the ground panting, a pool of blood near her hind legs, with GreyStripe licking her fur, FireHeart was their to.

"Please FireHeart fetch Yellowfang!" GreyStripe pleaded, FireHeart was about to speak but you interrupted.

"I'll go a get her, FireHeart stay here if anything happens!" Before anyone could respond, you darted away, running towards the camp. Your mind was racing.

I didn't know that she was having his kits!

You entered camp and ran to the medicine cat den, only CinderPaw was there, "oh hello, Y/W/N what's wrong?" She asked, you panted and explained the situation.

You and CinderPaw ran to were SilverStream was, she was still on the ground you and CinderPaw raced down to her, however TigerClaw appeared from the bushes to see what was happening.

CinderPaw places a small lump of grey fur in front of FireHeart, "is it dead?" FireHeart whispered, CinderPaw just rolled her eyes, making it obvious that it wasn't dead, and hold him to lick it.

"Another kit is coming, your doing great SilverStream," CinderPaw reassured her. Another kit was born and CinderPaw picked it up and placed it in front of TigerClaw, "here, lick."

TigerClaw then glared at her, "I'm not a medicine cat!"
You rolled your eyes.

"Here, I'll lick it," too glared at TigerClaw and started licking the small silver tabby kit. You saw TigerClaw crouch down beside you, as if he was looking at his own kit.

"Try and eat this herb, we need to stop the bleeding," CinderPaw's mewed at GreyStripe in distress. You heard the pleads of CinderPaw and GreyStipe. You stopped licking the kit, as it's breathing well now, and looked at SilverStream who was now breathing heavily.

"I'm sorry GreyStripe, please take care of our kits," then her head fell back and her body went still, then all was heard was the cries of GreyStripe. CinderPaw looked distraught.

"T-their mother is dead, I lost her..." CinderPaw quietly murmured. You dipped your head in respect, placing your head on TigerClaw's shoulder.

"GreyStripe, do you know this RiverClan cat?" TigerClaw glared at everyone, including you.

"I loved her, their my kits," GreyStripe looked at the deputy in sorrow.

"These were your kits?!" He boomed, "Y/W/N, you didn't tell me? It seems you knew about their love!"

You ignored him, "we need to take them to ThunderClan, find them a queen, so they can suckle them," CinderPaw mewed.

"Why should our clan raise them? There half breeds, no one would want them!"

Everyone just ignored him, "Y/W/N, you carry the silver tabby. I'll carry the other one."

You nodded and picked up the kit gently with TigerClaw by your side.


You and CinderPaw gave the kits to GoldenFlower do they can suckle, the whole clan knew about GreyStripe and SilverStream, as it spread around like wildfire. You sighed and grabbed a squirrel and sat alone. Until a RiverClan patrol entered the camp.

BlueStar stepped up on the high rock, "greetings BlueStar, we found out what happened with SilverStream and were here for her Kits," LeopardFur mewed.

This then erupted into a sort of argument of the kits belong to the mother's clan and TigerClaw asking how did they know.

BlueStar was lost in though for a moment, and the same time, GreyStripe entered camp, his eyes full and cold. "I will think about it, I'll give you my answer tomorrow."

LeopardFur flicked her ears, impatient, but she bowed her head and left with the two other cats by her side, MistyFoot and StoneFur.

You sat with GreyStripe and talked until FireHeart padded up to the two of you, "how are you GreyStripe?" He murmured. The Grey Warrior sighed.

"He's still upset and GoldenFlower won't let him see his kits," you responded, grooming your pelt.

"Well the kits are doing well, but CinderPaw can't shake the though of it being here fault that SilverStream died," FireHeart mewed, taking a bite of his mouse. "Apparently TigerClaw wants CloudPaw to go on his first assessment."

GreyStripe lifted his head up, "but he's a newly made apprentice." You twitched your whiskers in agreement.

"TigerClaw thinks he's ready," FireHeart shrugged. With that he said goodbye and left to get CloudPaw. You left GreyStripe alone for him to think to himself.

You were about to talk to TigerClaw but he suddenly left the camp, with a strange look on his face. You flattened your ears, creeped out. But you went to see LongTail and WhiteStorm, as DarkStripe was guarding BrokenTail.


You fell asleep after talking with LongTail and WhiteStorm, they also fell asleep. However you heard a battle cry from the entrance of the camp. You woke up with LongTail and WhiteStorm to see the ShadowClan rouges in camp, TigerClaw was no were to be seen through the battling cats.

Oh great StarClan, not again!

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