~•Chapter 17•~

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Every cat was busy trying to restore ThunderClan's camp. You were helping DustPelt and WhiteStorm restore the Warriors den by trying to replace the moss above camp, after you tried to help everyone else you went to see CinderPelt.

"CinderPelt? I'm here to help!" You called as you padded into the medicine cat den. The dark she-cat appeared turned her head towards you and smiled.

"Welcome Y/W/N, now can you try and find some marigold, if you can?" CinderPelt asked, you nodded and headed out to try and find some MariGold. You found some next to sunning rocks, so you quickly picked it up just in case any RiverClan cats arrived. As you went back to camp, you could feel someone watching you. Trying to shake the feeling off you arrived back at camp and gave the herbs to CinderPelt.

You were given other herbs to look for, yarrow, Lavender and other plants. However you had to quickly search near the borders, eventually you found them. But CinderPelt asked you to find some Juniper Berries, which of course, you had trouble with. You wouldn't find them near RiverClan since they apparently don't grow in wet places. You couldn't really ask WindClan since it would be quiet a walk and ShadowClan is filled with an illness.

You were desperately looking for Juniper Berries that may have lived through the fire. "Were are these Stupid Juniper Berries?" You asked yourself. Finally, you decided to give up. "I might as well as tell CinderPelt that I can't find any..." as you padded back to camp, but you could hear paw steps behind you. You quickly turned around but saw nothing, however you looked down and saw a bundle of blue berries on the ground.

"What the..?" You mumbled to yourself, you looked around and decided to pick the berries up. You went into the medicine cat den to give the Juniper Berries to CinderPelt.

"Oh, you found some! I thought you weren't going to find them since you were gone for so long," CinderPelt mewed, she went to pick them up however she stopped from a moment and sniffed them. "Were did you get these?"

You looked at her confused, you couldn't just say that they appeared right behind you. She would think that you were crazy. "I-I found them near the twoleg place, why?"

She stared suspiciously at you, "It's just that I can smell ShadowClan's scent on them, but thank you anyway." She placed the Juniper berries in one of the cracks of the den. You looked down at your paws before going to the warriors den to rest up.


You felt someone nudge you, yawning, you looked up to see it was LongTail who woke you up. "Come on Y/W/N, it's time for the gathering." You nodded slowly and padded out of the warriors den.

You tried to keep yourself awake on the walk to four trees. FireHeart was in the lead as BlueStar refused to go. You sighed at the thought of BlueStar abandoning everything because of one cat.

Once you got to FourTrees, you looked around and saw that every clan was hear except for ShadowClan. You decided to sit with Mistyfoot and StoneFur.

"Were's ShadowClan?" MistyFoot complained. ShadowClan still hasn't arrived yet at you were starting to get concerned.

"I'm sure they'll arrive soon," you responded, as you said that you saw Littlecloud and RunningNose.

"ShadowClan is free from the sickness," the black and white Tom mewed, "ShadowClan's leader is on his way."

Tallstar stared at RunningNose, "why is NightStar so late?" RunningNose stared at his paw for a moment before looking back up again.

"N-nightStar is dead..." RunningNose answered bluntly. You were shocked, along with the rest of the many cats at four trees. This sickness removed all of NightStar's nine lives?

"Is CinderFur coming instead?" You heard WhiteStorm call. RunningNose shook his head.

"He was one of the first to die from the sickness."

"Then who is the new leader of ShadowClan?" You called, you saw the two ShadowClan cats stared at you.

"He will be here shortly," RunningNose meowed, a hint of desperateness in his voice, "you will see for yourself."

Suddenly, You didn't feel safe. you wanted to go back to camp. If RunningNose sounded so desperate for you to see the new leader, then you didn't really feel as safe as before.

Everyone was loosing their patience waiting for the 'new ShadowClan leader'. Whilst everyone was complaining you wanted to leave the Gathering, however you heard A yowl from one of the entrances to FourTrees.

"He's here!" RunningNose called. Everyone pushed and shoved to get a look at the new leader. You stayed in the exact same spot, waiting for the gathering to just be over. You saw DarkStripe's ears pricked up in surprise. You rolled your eyes and looked up at the great rock. Suddenly, your stomach dropped in fear as you saw the massive figure and dark, brown tabby fur of your ex-friend TigerClaw.

You saw his gaze fall upon you, he smirked as you lowered your head, earning some glances from other cats. You kept your eyes low but saw that former ShadowClan rouges were back into the clan. As the gathering was over you trailed behind your clan, you turned around for a moment to see TigerStar staring at you along with the Former BrokenTail followers. You quickened you're pace To catch up with your clan members.

Once FireHeart shared with the whole clan that TigerClaw was the new leader of ShadowClan, every cat erupted in shock and anger. You just sighed and left everyone to complain to themselves and went to your nest in the warriors den.

A/N: this chapter was a little bit short because I was in a rush to get it done. Chapter 18 will be longer.

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