~•chapter 5•~

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The next day rolled around and you were waiting in the sandy hollow with your apprentice along with RavenPaw and GreyPaw. You saw how RavenPaw was a little distant, with a unhappy expression on his face.

Maybe TigerClaw is a bit too harsh to his apprentice...

"Cheer up RavenPaw, you not usually this miserable when training," GreyPaw mewed. You then scented LionHeart and TigerClaw approaching.

"Be quiet You two-" you tried to silence the apprentices.

"I-I'm just worried about my shoulder getting hurt again," RavenPaw stuttered. TigerClaw emerged from the bushes with LionHeart beside him.

"Warriors should suffer their pain silently," Growled TigerClaw, causing you to roll your eyes. He sat beside you.

"Today we are going to practice stalking, can anyone tell me the difference between creeping up on a rabbit and creeping up on a mouse?"

You saw FirePaw panicking slightly since he only joined a few days ago, "don't worry FirePaw. I don't expect you to answer this question," you whispered, however you knew TigerClaw heard you since a growl could be heard from beside you.

"A rabbit will smell you before seeing you and a mouse will feel your paw steps through the ground," GreyPaw mewed.

LionHeart nodded, "Well done GreyPaw, so what must you bear in mind when hunting mice?"

"Step lightly?" FirePaw guessed, he looked at you waiting for answer.

You nodded and smiled lightly, "well done FirePaw!"

LionHeart looked approving at FirePaw, "yes you must take all your weight into your haunches, so your paws don't make any impact on the forest floor, now let's try it."

You watched GreyPaw and RavenPaw drop into a crouch, "nicely done GreyPaw!" Meowed LionHeart.

"Keep your rear down," you heard TigerClaw snap at RavenPaw, "you look like a duck!"

You rolled your eyes before turning to your apprentice, "now you try FirePaw." The orange Tom crouched down and crept across the floor. He was trying to step as lightly as possible.

"Well you haven't known anything but softness!" TigerClaw growled at your apprentice, causing your pelt to heat up from anger.

"His pace and movement are coming along, his crouch is perfectly balanced," meowed LionHeart.

TigerClaw rolled his eyes and grunted, "it's  better than RavenPaws I suppose, "even after two moons of training and you still can't  do anything Right!"

You finally snapped, standing up and stared at TigerClaw with a scornful look, "Stop saying things about RavenPaw, his shoulder is still recovering also FirePaw is MY apprentice, don't speak to him like that!" You growled, your neck fur bristling.

TigerClaw look hurt but a flash of anger burned in his eyes. "Your just being soft because he is a kitty-pet, how long will it take me to get you to understand?!"

"Maybe you shouldn't fight about this now." LionHeart Growled, you flattened your ears.

"I'm going hunting, mentor FirePaw for me please LionHeart," he nodded in underStanding a turned back to the apprentices, all with shocked looks on their faces. You saw TigerClaw give a harsh look before also turning back to the three young cats

You padded through the forest, you didn't have any energy to hunt but did you really have a choice?

You crouched down to lay on the soft grass, warm up by the sunlight shining through the trees. Grooming your P/C pelt until you heard a rustle behind you, slowly you crouched ready to pounce however you were met with a orange pelt. It was FirePaw.

"What are you doing here?" You questioned.

"LionHeart told us to try and hunt but I also went to look for you," meowed FirePaw.

You sighed and looked at your apprentice. "I'm sorry that I left you because of a stupid argument, I didn't like the way TigerClaw spoke to you and RavenPaw."

You scented a mouse nearby and so did FirePaw he got into a hunters crouch, stepping lightly and dashed for the mouse and killed it. Making you give a nod of approval, "We'll done FirePaw, let's get that mouse back to camp."


It had been around two moons since FirePaw became your apprentice, you have been avoiding TigerClaw for quiet sometime however he would always try to speak with you. You still kept talking to LongTail and DarkStripe but if TigerClaw ever came around then you would lie, saying that you needing to hunt or go on patrol.

You were sleeping peacefully under a tree with WhiteStorm, however you were of course waken up the patrol came back but with FirePaw and YellowFang behind them. BlueStar called a clan meeting, saying that WindClan wasn't in their territory. But she was also saying that the training of apprentices needed to be sped up.

BlueStar meowed from the high rock, "By teaching this young cat I shall speed up his training, i shall take FirePaw as my apprentice."

Your jaw dropped, does your leader think your not capable of training an apprentice? Once the meeting was dismissed, you went to BlueStar's den.
She looked up from her nest, "what's wrong Y/W/N?"

Your narrowed your eyes at your leader, "what's wrong? Why did you take FirePaw as your apprentice, I'm I not good enough?"

BlueStar shook her head, "it's not that, TigerClaw suggested that it would be better if FirePaw was apprenticed by me..."

You couldn't believe it, TigerClaw took you apprentice from you! You snarled and stomped out of BlueStar's den.

TigerClaw was approaching you, growling under your breath you stud there, "hey Y/W/N, I'm sorry for" you cut him off.

"You took FirePaw's training away from me! If you thought that was a good idea then you were wrong. BlueStar Probably thinks less of me now!" You snapped. Not even waiting for a reply you headed for the Warriors den.

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