~•Chapter 21•~

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You opened your eyes slowly to see your 5 kits at your side, you still felt the pain, but faintly. You looked around but didn't see TigerStar anywhere. You wanted to get up to get some prey, however you didn't want to disturb your little one's. You see LeopardStar at the entrance of the nursery, two plump water voles in her jaws.

"TigerStar wanted me to give you something to eat once you woke up," LeopardStar mewed as she placed the water voles in front of you.

"Were is TigerStar anyway?" You questioned, The RiverClan Leader just sighed.

"He's gone with Some of TigerClan to attack WindClan."

You shook your head, "i wish he wasn't like this, I wish I could of changed him," you quietly added.

You thanked LeopardStar for the Voles as she left you be, you ate the voles quickly. You gently threw your head backwards, bored since you couldn't do anything. However that was broken off from the multiple cries of your kits.

You curled your tail around them, nudging them to your stomach for them to suckle, eventually every kit stopped crying and drank your milk. You sighed, staring at them. TigerStar finally arrived back to TigerClan, and the first thing he does is check on you.

"How are you? Are the kits alright?" TigerStar asked, you laughed quietly.

"Of course there fine, what makes you think their not?" You murmured.

TigerStar just shrugged, "I'm sure LeopardStar told you were I was?" You just Sighed and nodded, "well time is running out for ThunderClan and WindClan to join us, and a battle of bloodshed will begin."

Suddenly you heard a few whispers from RiverClan and ShadowClan cats, as you saw a bunch of new comers enter the clan, they were all battle scarred with collars, dog and cat teeth jabbed into each collar.

"W-Who are they?" You growled, you saw the small black cat enter the nursery, you covered your kits in defence.

"Ah, so this is the she-cat you were talking about?" The mysterious cat asked.

TigerStar just nodded, "yes, Y/W/N meet scourge the leader of BloodClan, Scourge this is my mate."

Scourge looked down at your 5 kits, his tail flicked with interest, "5 kittens, eh? Well you must of been strong to have all of them alive. TigerStar smirked, "she is a strong one, now let's tell the rest of TigerClan why your here, Scourge."

Scourge waited for TigerStar to leave before turning back to you, "it will be a real shame if them kits of your's never opened their eyes to see their father."

"W-what do you mean?" You muttered.

"I remember seeing you that one faithful day I wandered into the Forest, TigerStar attacked me when he was young, and you stopped him, with that blue-grey she-cat," he meowed, "I appreciate that, however your mate will fall to his demise, because of your kindness."

"N-no..." you mumbled, Scourge unsheathed his abnormal claws.

"oh yes dear, it will be all your fault and because this battle is today, you won't be able to stop him, or see him die!" Scourge smirked and left the nursery without another word.

You looked back at your kits, You saw TigerStar give out his speech, and he was ready to leave with BloodClan. You need to Warn him!

"T-TigerStar!" You called from the nursery.

"Not now Y/W/N," he snarled as he unsheathes his long claws, "I have some kittypet blood to shed." You saw Scourge glance at you over his shoulder, smirking before leading BloodClan out of TigerClan camp.

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