Chapter 1: Going Back Home

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The brown orbs were not at sight anymore as this angel had finally closed his eyes from a long day of my college graduation ceremony I had that afternoon but that cute angelic smile he had all day was Informing me now that he had a fun day and that's good, I would want to fill this angel's days with only joy.

I gently placed Jungwoo's sleeping figure on my bed as I decided take a visit in the balcony of my apartment to just take a slight peak at the sun where it hits the surface.

I rested my elbows against the railings to just gaze at the sight in front of me, making me sure do contemplate... how amazingly simple my life is.

I've now graduated school, I have a stable job, I have an amazing son and a wonderful, peaceful, humble life with my family-

The main door suddenly slammed against the frame as my mother stormed in, the loud bang being audible throughout the apartment. I quickly turned around only to see that look. She had that same look from this morning, a look of complete stress, fear, and vulnerability.

I came up to her and made her sit on the couch as she was pacing back and forth not knowing what to do with that frightening look that had started to affect me.

"Eomma?" I called out to her in a concerned tone as I caress her arms at an attempt to calm her down.

That's when she finally snapped and suddenly took my shoulders into her grasp as she looked me in the eyes.

"We need to leave now!"




I took a deep breath in, taking in the feeling of the soft mattress against my skin.

Usually, this would've calmed me down, comfort me but it didn't... I had too much on my mind.

"When your father left us, He passed on his debt to us and now it's up for us to pay the debt that is worth over hundreds and thousands of dollars, obviously something we don't even have. Now we have to pay by next week or else these groups of men that we 'owe' is going to take action," My mother said lingered in my head once again causing me to wince in frustration.

It was a lot to take in.

Especially when my mother had just mentioned that we will now be moving back to Seoul, after nearly four years, only to have grown this regret that's still lingering inside me, devouring me.

I grew even more frustrated at the thought, the safest place that I should be in is yet the most dangerous place that I could be in.

A place filled with my greatest regret.

My thoughts were suddenly disrupted when Jungwoo started to squirm in his position, moving in all sort of places until he ended up in a position where his head softly laid on my chest with his short arm laid across my torso.

This small action had left me in awe, taking me away from my thoughts, calming me down, taking me back to that part of my mind filled with only thoughts that made me feel secure, safe, and almost... complete.

I looked at the little man's features. Caressing it softly as I didn't want to wake him up from his peaceful sleep.

Just as I stared at his features I can't help but see him and thought how...

...He looks so much like his father...

"what's the point in even trying to run away from him anymore when I already bring a part of him with me everywhere I go," I thought as I sighed, picking myself up while resting the boy back on his pillow to look out the window, to stare at the night sky that was lit from the many stars it homed making me wonder...

This is all for my family's safety, why should I keep them from it just because of the safety of my emotions?




"Well, it looks like the company informed me that they've accepted you," My mother told me as I had just finished folding the last shirt and stuffed it in my luggage.

I brought Jungwoo to my arms and made our way to the doorway to leave,  I took one last glance at the apartment that was somewhat of a protection for me for nearly four years now and now I'm leaving it.

"I sure do wonder what will happen to me from this point on,"

"I sure do wonder what will happen to me from this point on,"

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