Chapter 3: Familiar

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I was running around the train cart feeling so frantic looking for Jungwoo but there hadn't been any sign of him.

"Come on Jungwoo, where are —?" I cut my sentence off when I heard a familiar giggle from the train cart ahead...

I know it was Jungwoo's so I followed it, I went to the first class train cart and there he was but I tensed out of fear when I saw a tall figure carrying Jungwoo in his arms.

I didn't see the tall man as his face mask was hanging so I wasn't able to decipher who it was.

I saw him cup Jungwoo's head from the back which softened me, the man kissed his palm which had a slight bruise... bringing a sense of relief to me...

I calmed myself and finally decided to walk up to the two.

But I found myself pausing as I observed the man before me... he was the same guy who bumped into me earlier, he looked very professional, and his masculinity was obvious regardless of his black clothing, not even surprising me of the fact that he was in first class.

These were traits I'm not quite familiar with that dealt with someone I knew but why does this person seem so familiar to me?

Out of embarrassment, I found myself quickly tapping his shoulder after bowing down before he could even take a single glance at my face as I heard a faint "eomma" come out of my son's mouth.

"Thank you for looking out for my son, I'm sorry by any means if he was a bother to you," I said genuinely.

There was a moment of silence up until when I decided to pick my head back up only to grow confused to see the man not there...

I only saw Jungwoo looking from a distance towards the direction the man had walked away with his bag slung over his shoulder, he walked away without saying a single word to me.

I didn't pay much attention to the man's unusual behavior but cared even more about what had happened to Jungwoo so I ran toward him to bring him to my embrace, It didn't take long until I realized that this one had run away from me, having done something against my word. He switched his gaze from the man to me when he'd sensed my death glare.

He only responded with a simple smile and attacked me with a hug while blurting a small "sorry".

He's been getting smart nowadays knowing that action usually took effect on me and soften up but I was too upset. "You and I are going to have a long conversation after we get back to our seat."

He responded by keeping his head low while nodding.

"Come on, let's go now Jungwoo,"

I then picked him up and was now heading towards our seats in the economy which was the opposite way the man had gone to.

But what I didn't realize was when Jungwoo turned his head to take a last glance at the man who was already facing them, he had turned around and stood there, witnessing the mother and son moment.

The man gave a small wave while mouthing the words "bye Jungwoo" toward the little one as Jungwoo responded with his signature smile and a small wave along with it.




As I turned around to check who it was who tapped me, it was a woman who was bowing, I was kind of confused but then I heard the kid say "eomma",

"Thank you for looking out for my son, I'm sorry by any means if he was a brother to you,"

I stayed silent at that... that voice was just so angelic and soft, it was almost as if-

The buzz from my phone went off, disrupting my thoughts as I went to turn it off. I gave the kid one more glance and carefully set him on the floor, grabbed my bag, and walked away further into the dining cart of the first class.

If I had to be honest, the kid wasn't a bother at all. Actually, I was the one who found myself fond of the kid, I could've left him on the ground and went my way but I didn't...

I can't help but feel fond of him... this presence he gives off, it was as if I was supposed to know him.

"Come on, let's go Jungwoo," I snickered at the name. It sounds almost exactly like mine.

As the woman carried him, heading in the opposite direction as mine, parting. Jungwoo took one last glance at me and so I waved back while mouthing the words "bye Jungwoo"

The little kid smiled brightly while doing the same smile and tiny wave as I was doing.

Just as I was about to walk off to the other direction the phone that had bothered me earlier buzzed again causing me to take my phone out only to see It was my personal assistant.

"What do you want now??" I asked in an exasperated way.

"S-Sorry for the intrusion Mr. Jeon but I just needed to know if I had to give an announcement to the company that our CEO is back from his business trip from Busan,"

Oh, for the mother of God, how many times do I have to remind this man? I decided to take it easy on this one as it was the only other assistant available for me.

"Yes please do, I do not want to see my employees slacking off. It would ruin the company image and how I handle Jeon Corp."




"So eomma, I forgot to ask you but, what company did you apply me to again?" I asked my mother as I was cleaning up Jungwoo's scraped palm.

She thought for a second, obviously half asleep.

"I believe the company was called Jeon Corp."


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