Chapter 8: Is It You?

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Every step I took, I grew more and more nervous. Feeling the rate of my heartbeat increasing as I got closer and closer.

The closer I got, the more I could see how intimidating this man really was.

This man was a tower compared to me while his sculpted chest and strong arms were straining against his polished suit.

I could see the look in his eyes and damn those pair of brown eyes were beautiful and it felt familiar, they were eyes fit for the sense of happiness but his eyes had only caused my fear to grow.

It only showed pure displeasure but only to the point until he picked his head up to lock eyes with mine then that was when the eye's once dark look just completely disappeared.

His face was covered with a black mask so I could only tell his emotions through his beautiful brown eyes which was showed a sense of... shock?

We both stared at each other for a good 5 minutes, eyes not sharing the same emotion.

Mine showed confusion while his showed utter shock.

The eye contact was broken when I saw the way he lifted his hand up to rub his eyes, his brown eyes no longer to be seen.

I brought my gaze downwards and I saw his other hand holding his phone in place.

"Before you pack all of your things, would you also escort this woman standing in the lobby with you when you leave? You're both fired," addressed to the man next to me him who seemed completely upset and distressed. It seems like he was implying me too. Am I the woman he referred to?

I wasn't trying to be fired today so I quickly ran towards the hallway by the elevators at an attempt to escape him before he could take another glimpse of me and recognize me.

I looked back at the commanding figure shifting to each direction as he no longer saw me, now showing confusion through his eyes. I decided to walk away and go on with my life hoping that this man will never see me ever again despite my sudden unusual urge to do the opposite.

To my surprise, I saw the front desk through the other end of the hallway which would soon lead me to the other part of this huge lobby.




"Oh look at Mr. CEO here throwing out all of the 500 complaint letters from the 500 employees he just had to fire," Jin hyung, my executive assistant said playfully as he just casually sat on the stacked papers I prepared to have shred and thrown away.

"What did I tell you about knocking?" I let out in an annoyed and exhausted tone.

"Yah! Don't talk to me like that you spoiled brat! I'm older than you, I do not accept this act of disrespectfulness in my presence. I could walk in here whenever I want to you bish, I don't care whether you're naked or taking a shit I DON'T CARE, I COULD WALK IN HERE WHENEVER I WANT TO,"

I let him lecture me for the whole ten minutes up to the point where his face is usually red from anger.

I simply had no energy to make any kind of remark anymore as it would only trigger him to lecture me for another decade so I just went ahead and changed the topic.

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