Chapter 15: Marriage Request

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"... I'm not marrying her Hyung," I remarked against the older man's request.

"What! Jungkook, do you not understand that this act has increased our sales by 90% compared to last week! Just imagine what would happen if this keeps up," Jimin Hyung desperately let out as he took my shoulders into his grasps.

"I don't care, we're two people with our own separate lives, I don't look to further intervene with her's..." I let out as the scene from earlier went through my mind...

"But Jungkook-" 

"Jungkook? Did something happen between you two?" I heard Jin Hyung"s voice interrupted Jimin's. I couldn't help but have felt flustered at first but I had managed to keep it together.

"Yeah," I answered back calmly as I simply got off of Jimin's grip and went toward my front door.

"But that's none of your business," I simply said before opening the door and lifted my left arm out towards the way out, signaling them to get the fuck out.

I saw all of my Hyungs get up from their spot and started to move but apparently one didn't seem to have the energy to. I closed the door behind me, leaving the rest of them outside as I came up to the eldest one who had his arms crossed as he stared me down.

"Hyung, if you didn't understand I was signaling you to get out," I said as I sat down on my couch, practically lying down.

"What happened?" He said as he looked down at me. But I simply didn't answer as I just stared him down.

"You're not going to answer me?" He remarked as I still left him with no answer.

"Well then," He paused as I saw his eyebrows crease down.

"Don't make me get the slipper," My eyes shot at that at I suddenly sat up.

"Hyung!" I yelled out.

"If your ass doesn't want to be whooped then I suggest you answer back, tell me what happened between you two," He growled back.

I had no choice but the answer so I lamely sat back down.

"It's not really much of a big deal but, Suyoung and I had a small argument I suppose? I ended up mentioning something and that triggered a tension between me and her then now, I don't think marrying her is the best option right now," I finally let out.

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