Chapter 25: Never Unvaried

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"Here," Jungkook let out to me as he passed me my blouse, I took it immediately when I finished buckling up my bra as he went on to button up his shirt.

He's been clingier ever since we got back from Dague, which I honestly didn't mind at all.

He's been balancing his work life with his personal life which I loved the most, even if his personal life is filled with endless hugs and kisses.

Speaking of clingy, I suddenly felt his arms wrap around my waist as he rested his head on my shoulder, helping me button up the rest of my shirt from behind, when he finished he gave a quick peck on the neck before bringing all of me into his embrace as I chuckled at his clinginess.

"Come back to the office when I'm done with my meeting, okay?" He let out to me as I only scoffed at that. "To what, 'work'?" I retorted as I heard him chuckle at that as he got off of me and made his way toward the office door.

"Exactly Mrs. Jeon to 'work'," He lastly said before giving me a sly smirk and then leaving the office.

I scoffed once again at his sly remark as I went to pick the rest of my things that were scattered all over the office.

As soon as I opened the door to leave I was taken aback from a huge unfamiliar figure.

It was an old man, but not that old.

He seemed to have been staring up at the framed picture of Jungkook with his hand folded behind him, making sure to really observe the picture.

"Hello?" I called out to the old man while I made my way to approach him.

He swiftly diverted his head form the picture to my figure. The second he looked at me he sharpened his gaze on me as he was the one who observed me. I've never seen the man before and yet some of his features were quite familiar being his brown eyes, coincidentally they had that same look Jungkook used to stare me down with but his seemed much more developed and observing.

"Sir? Can I help you?" I called out to him. "I'm in need of a meeting with the CEO," He said with such a tough and raspy voice that most old men have.

"Do you have an appointment?" I inquired as I took out my phone to observe Jungkook's schedule and saw that he had no meeting with an individual, just board meetings with a few of his directors... then who is he? And how did he even get up here?

"I don't need one," He said as I saw his towering figure come up to me causing me to quickly step back.

"And who are you?" He said as he observed me from head to toe while I observed him back. But the more I observed his features, the more I saw Jungkook...?

"I'm Suyoung," I said as I just mentioned my first name, "I'm Jeon Jungkook's PA,"

"Oh, so I suppose Jungkook's in his office right now?" He replied quite tough. "No, I'm sorry he's currently in a meeting with his directors,"

"Oh... then why were you in his office just now?" He suddenly asked as I got flustered...

"U-um, I w-was s-sorting out his things," I said, coming out a bit choppy as I felt his gaze on me sharpen.

"Hm, well then, I suppose I'll visit later," He lastly said before I saw him fix his blazer as he trudged toward the elevator now waiting for it to arrive, surprising me as I saw how he tried his best to keep his tough persona up while I saw his eyebrows that creased down was now contorted curiously.

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