Chapter 20: Quite a Night

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A/N: I um, for the um the daddy kink i'd put in, i didn't realize how creepy it was until now, i saw many books had it and my stupid ass at the time didn't think too much of it so I thought it was okay¯\_(:D)_/¯

I would edit it out but um i can't rewrite this chapter without cringing so... SO... much so just ignore the fact that i'd put that daddy kink, PLEASE, TBH, IT'S NOT MY KINK I JUST KINDA THOUGHT THE KINK MATCHED THE BOOK AND ALL-


"You're resigning?" I let out to the man who already had his luggage beside him as he got ready to leave. Jungkook who sat next to me on the table had no reaction, he only had his hand around my waist as it seems he was suspicious of the man.

"I'm not resigning, i-I'm just not sure when I'll come back," Lhee said as he gave me his keys, "For now, I'll say goodbye Noona," He let out before standing up from his chair.

"And Noona," He paused as he looked back at me as he was about to leave.

"I'm sorry for last night, I bursted out... and I didn't know what to do," He let out as I stayed quiet at that as Jungkook's hold on my waist tightened.

"Lhee Hyung?" Jungwoo's voice was heard as he came down the stairs, Lhee smiled at him as he said nothing else and left the room.

I came up to Jungwoo and picked him up only to look back at the other man who still kept his eye on Lhee, I sighed at that.

"What's wrong Jungkok?" I let out as I seemed to have gotten his attention.

"Lhee seems a bit, unusual..." He skeptically said as I only sighed at that and shook his silliness off, but there was still that thought lingering in me saying that he's right, Lhee does seem a bit unusual.




It hurts, knowing she's married, couldn't she tell that I liked her? I loved her! I told myself as I was about to exit the house, I took one last glance at the little family and only left inflamed, that could've been us Suyoung, I'm way better than that... man.

You know Suyoung I was not going to give you in for your little family debt but now I will...

I took out my phone to call some certain people...

"Hello, yeah, I may have found that family from Busan, the one that hasn't paid their debt,"




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