Chapter 23: Afraid

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"Hi, This is Kim Suyoung, I'm currently unavailable right now but please do leave a message-"

"Suyoung, this is now the... 13th voice message I left you? ...can you at least just please leave a message so I know you're somewhere safe..." I paused as I was contemplating whether or not to continue the message.

"S-suyoung I-i'm s-" My voice was cut as the voice message was cut from a sudden call from work... having the message already sent...

Why can't work leave me the fuck alone!

"God damn it!" I suddenly yelled as I violently threw my phone on the ground, breaking it to pieces.

"Appa?" I suddenly heard a small voice from the bedroom doorway, I looked straight up and saw him...

He had that same exact look from the first time he saw me frustrated... that day where he snuck into my office and saw me threw something out of frustration... I swore that day that I would never ever frighten him like that ever again... but here I was...

He held himself in place as I saw a tear trickle down his beaming red cheeks from crying earlier, I stared into his eyes, his feared eyes as it seems he was looking right back at a... monster...

"Jungwoo," I started as I took a step forward but he... flinched... Jungwoo, please...

I saw the way he got ready to run out but he seemed to have paused as he heard the loud thump caused by my sudden collapse to the ground... crying...

"Jungwoo..." I managed to let out as it came out a bit choppy from the lump that had managed to grow in my throat...

"Please don't leave me..." I-i wasn't sure what I was saying... I wasn't sure what I was doing... at this moment I had a lot of things going on inside my head that I wasn't able to point out why I was suddenly like this... sitting down... looking at the little boy in front of me... begging him not to leave me... not for them to leave me... leaving all the decision to him to determine my future.

This feels almost like that first time Suyoung I fought that day, the day where she left me...

(If some of my past readers are confused, I changed some things in the book's prologue, so check that out if you're confused of this "fight" they had in the past, I'm not referring to their fight last night but a fight they had when she left him.)

The two... most important people in my life... are going to leave me... and I couldn't help but collapse on the ground... t-they're going to leave me... that's what I've been fearing this whole time ever since the second I got myself involved with them...

I'm afraid to lose the ones I love again... that's why I was still hesitant about our relationship, I-I'm so sorry... I couldn't help but imagine how you could easily leave me and I couldn't help but doubt that you guys will still be there for me... because will you?

Or will you guys leave me?-

I stopped my thoughts as I suddenly felt the little one wrap his arms around my neck, taking me into his embrace... he...

h-he didn't leave me...

"I'm here Appa," The second he blurted it out I felt a wave of relief struck me...

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