Chapter 9: Appa

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It was currently twelve midnight as I stepped off of the last bus, I was supposed to step off the bus that came in two hours before but I had unfortunately missed it as that weird moment from the elevator still occupied my thoughts.

The walk to my house was long but I honestly didn't mind, it is a refreshing and nice walk. It was the kind of walk where you could just take your time and think about things, and breathe just exactly what I needed after the day I just had. The walk helped me clear my mind, especially from the time where I had misunderstood that man calling me "misu" when he might've said "miss" instead. Yes that's right it makes more sense that way.

It has been a rough first day but I'm pretty sure it would only get better as the days will pass. It's what I need to tell myself.




Well, turns out today is only going to get worse.

"Sorry madam, I have to leave for my hometown... to settle some family issues,"

Lhee told me before leaving to go for the rest of the week.

The thought consistently went through my mind as I lay my back against the soft mattress while caressing my little angel's head to sleep. He was tired from crying all day for apparently missing me too much.

Now that Lhee is gone, what am I going to do with Jungwoo? Mother is not here at the moment. What other options do I have?

We're a bit too short on money as we had already spent too much moving here to just go right ahead and send Jungwoo to a daycare, eomma is going to be out all week to settle some paperwork, and now Lhee is gone.

I then figured that maybe I can contact my old friends from high school, maybe they can help...

I went and grabbed my laptop and placed it on my beside me, being careful not to wake my little angel up.

It felt weird as soon as I logged into my Facebook account. I haven't used this for nearly four years now, or to simply put it, I have not been in social media for four years now, honestly, motherhood has been keeping me busy.

As soon as I logged in to the account, I found myself clicking on to the last picture I had posted... It was a picture of Jungkook and me on our graduation day.

Our faces filled with happiness and glee, who knew that only a day later, our expressions will show the total opposite...


I heard a little shriek come from my sleeping angel.

His expression showed excitement, matching the expression in the picture in front of him which he was observing the man in the picture while letting out another "appa," pointing at him.

I didn't know what to do, I couldn't deny the fact that yes, this handsome man is his father.

Jungwoo clicked on another picture using the mouse pad.

I didn't realize the angel continued to go through more pictures as I was too busy trying to keep the tears from escaping my eyes, but I obviously failed as I felt the tears trickle down my cheeks.


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