Chapter 26: My Son

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I didn't realize Jungkook was here until I heard the sound of Mr. Jeon's voice causing me to switch my gaze from Mrs. Jeon toward the sound and saw Jungkook staring at his father quite stunned.

"I didn't know you had such a wonderful wife!" Mr. Jeon beamed as I smiled at that as I brought my gaze to the one beside him as he had quite a disoriented look. "...wait what?"

"Appa, it's nice meeting you again!" I called out to the old man only to confuse Jungkook. 

"'Meet him again?' You already knew him?"

"Yeah! He's the man I had coffee with yesterday," I exclaimed as I took a sip of my tea as he traveled his gaze back to the man beside him still stunned as he observed him.

I released a small cough gaining the attention of the older one as it worked and saw Mr. Jeon travel his gaze to me.

"I'm sure you two have some catching up to do, I'll keep Mrs. Jeon company," I said as I eyed Mr. Jeon as a signal to which he got as I saw him suddenly wrap his arms around the other one's shoulder as they left the room to go somewhere, only leaving me, Jungwoo, and Mrs. Jeon in the dining room.

"It makes so much more sense now," I heard Mrs. Jeon's delicate voice mentioned as I brought my gaze to her. "What does Eomma?"

"The fact that, the first time we met, I saw that son looks so much like mine!" She exclaimed as she took my hand into hers.

"I am just glad that my son is with you," She warmly said as I grew confused. "Oh? And why is that?"

"Well, my son seems like the happiest he's been all his life," She let out along with a tear as I brought myself to wipe it off for her.

"I just wanted to say thank you,"

"You're welcome Eomma," I said as I took a sip of my tea but then paused as I saw her uneased look.

"Eomma?" I inquired as I saw her bring her gaze to the little boy in my arms. "You were weren't married to Jungkook when I met you and Jungwoo, weren't you?" She inquired as I was taken aback...

"You can tell me the truth, I can even keep it a secret from my husband," She winked at me as that was what all it took before I'd surrendered and told her.

"Well, you see we weren't married but, Jungkook is still his father,"

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