Last Chapter: Thank You ⁺ᴮᵒⁿᵘˢ ˢᶜᵉⁿᵉ

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A few months later...

"Appa! Look! The beach!" I heard Jungwoo exclaim to Jungkook, pointing at the view as we were walking down a wooden path in the beach, "Jungjung, I brought you along with me to this business trip for the meeting we're going to right now, we don't have time to play in the beach yet," Jungkook replied as he kept his grip on the boy's hand as if slightly pulling the persistent boy beside him.

"Come on Jungkook, give it some slack, your next meeting isn't in two hours, I think you'll have enough time to change your suit in the hotel when you get it dirty in the sand," I let out back to Jungkook who sharpened his gaze on me which was the perfect opportunity...


"Come on Jungwoo!" I yelled at the boy as I pulled him away from his confused father as I dragged him past the wooden path onto the warm and soft sand. It didn't take long until I heard Jungwoo's laughter as he started running in the sand with me as we got closer to the water.

"Suyoung! Get Back Here!" I heard my husband yell from behind as I only smirked at that.

"Don't you guys dare get yourselves wet!" He yelled one more time as I stuck my tongue at the inflamed one.

"Suyoung!" I heard my named called once again as I saw him take his shoes off as he held it in his hands while he began walking toward our direction as both I and Jungwoo squealed at that, running further away from the man.

"Come on Jungwoo! Your father is getting to us! run faster!" I yell at the little one who was running beside me as I suddenly heard a chuckle from behind alerting me now that the once serious man was now cracking...

"Oh come on Suyoung, I can't run in my suit," He mentioned as I smirked further at that as I and Jungwoo finally jumped onto the cold water causing the one behind us to sigh.

"Suyoung, Jungjung, come on let's go-" He stopped as soon as a splash of water had suddenly crinkled his once clean buttoned-up shirt caused by my sudden kick on the water toward him as I saw him put quite a straightened look on his face, bringing me and jungwoo into silence.

It didn't take long untilI saw him suddenly drop the things in his hands as I saw him taking off his blazer while unbuttoning the button on his sleeve to pull the up as he finally brought his gaze back up at as I saw a sudden smirk crawl upon his face.

"You'll regret doing that!" He said as he began bolting towards us as we began running away, laughing at his drastic change.

I gasped as I felt a strong pair of arms carry me by the waist along with Jungwoo who was in my arms.

"Got you!" I heard Jungkook let out as I heard him chuckle as we started screaming, but I then felt a sudden feeling build up in my throat, alerting me of what I was about to do.

"Jungwoo quick, here's your chance to run away from the monster!" I told the little one as I gently let him down back to the ground as he began running the opposite direction as I felt the one who took me into his embrace playfully bite me on the neck before running after the small one who squealed.

Just when Jungkook successfully caught Jungwoo, he turned back around only to wipe off his smile and quickly run-up to my puking figure.

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