Chapter 24: Reflection

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"Thanks, Mr. Choi, goodnight," I let out to the man in front of me as I bent down to reach for Jungwoo who's still in his car seat.

"Of course Sir, tell Mrs. Jeon I said hello too," He mentioned before he went back inside his car and drove off.

"...I wish," I let out to myself as I brought the boy in my arms back into the house... as I was about to unlock the door the one in my arms began squirming, as if he was asking to get off my grip and so I placed him down as I saw him sit down on one of the steps of the house, facing the front gate.

"Jungjung? What's wrong?" I stopped as I came to sit beside him on the step.

"I am going to wait for Eomma," He remarked to which I grew confused at. "Your Eomma is coming home really late Jungjung,"

"Well, then I'll wait really late," He retorted as I chuckled at his option. I took my jacket off as I laid it on top of him. I decided to play along, sooner or later, he'd find himself falling back asleep.

"Appa," I heard his small voice as I turned my gaze from the night lit sky to the boy beside me as he kept his gaze up.

"Eomma isn't here because Appa and Eomma fight... Right?" He suddenly said as I was taken aback...

"Why did Appa and Eomma fight?" He continued as I only sighed at his question... but then turned to look right back at the night sky.

"Appa just isn't sure of something... he's just... scared..." I replied.

"I'm afraid to commit to something or someone because of what happened in the past... and what might happen in the future,"

I didn't hear him respond to what I said, damn I shouldn't have said that, maybe I just confused him further-

"You know Eomma said once," He cut my thoughts off.

"To always focus on the present because you will be missing out on what's right in front of you,"

I fell silent at that as I kept my gaze on the sky but took in what the boy had just said. I was honestly taken aback at what he'd just said...

I had to move on... or I will be missing out on what's happening right now... and not worry about any outcomes...

I felt the boy suddenly drop his head on my lap, alerting me now that I could finally take him inside but instead I placed my hand on his shoulder and gazed at him... gazing at what's happening to me right now making sure not to miss out...

The longer I looked, the longer I saw the resemblance of her... making me miss her more... making me realize how stupid I was to doubt them... to push them away when really, they're just there to actually make things a whole lot better... over becomes of what happened in the past when she left me...

It's time to move on... from now on... I'll make sure not to miss out anymore...

"Appa?" I heard the little one said quite groggily, telling me how he's still somewhat asleep. "Do you love us?" He suddenly asked... I was taken aback by the question but soon smiled at his stupid inquiry as I coughed to make my answer clear as possible as I was very sure of what my answer was... perhaps it was the surest answer I could have ever said in my whole entire life...

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