Chapter 6: Monotonous Magazines

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(You can listen to some BTS music to help set the mood ^)


My eyes suddenly opened from the sound of my 6 o'clock alarm going off for Monday. My first day on the job.

And yet, I didn't do anything but stare at the ceiling above me.

Not feeling like getting up... Going to work.

I still felt like shutting my eyes for the next decade.

My body sores from all the twists and turns last night as I tried to have a good night's sleep to feel energized for my first day of work.

But I felt the total opposite of what I expected.

I am still quite stressed about the fact that I have to leave Jungwoo to Park Lhee who obviously isn't experienced with toddlers. He doesn't know how to put a diaper on Jungwoo.

Every time I caught him trying to either put a diaper on Jungwoo or change his clothes, he either spaces out in the middle of it or he just stares at me out of fright? With his eyes screaming 'help me'. My mother will guide him though.

The stress from last night came back the confusion the fast pace of my life, I squirmed in my bed to release the stress but then stopped as I took a glance at the clock, it was 6:18...

I didn't realize it but I had suddenly gotten up from my awkward position and rushed out of the bedroom and quickly took a shower as I had to be at the headquarters by 6:55, which was quite a weird time... sure does make me wonder why not the usual 7 o'clock


The warm shower had seemed to have eased my once tensed body I thought as I zippered my simple black pencil skirt and tucked in my neatly ironed white blouse.

The outfit was then paired with some dull black 2-inch heels then there, I was ready. I decided not to do anything with my hair as it was too short to put on a ponytail or curl so I left my short jet-black hair flow down my nape. This will have to do.

I was about to leave the bedroom as I spotted my little angel squirm in his spot while making cute little sounds. My angel is dreaming so deeply.

I took a halt and decided to walk toward him, each step bringing me to a feeling of calmness.

As my son stopped squirming in his position, I caressed his blessed angel-like features. Just looking at him made all of the stress just disappear into thin air, softening me up and brought a sense of calmness to me causing me to smile.

I suddenly felt the urge to look at the time and as I did, it had caused my eyes to bulge out as it was almost time for work, it was 6:43 and I needed to be there in 12 minutes when it takes me 15 minutes to get there by bus.

The stress came back and so I bolted out the door and headed straight to the bus station which was miles away from where I was.


It's only 6:53!

Despite the fact that I had missed the bus I was supposed to take, I had managed to have made it to the office while running at a speed faster than the bus, my dedication to making it to work on time was so strong that I had not bothered to even pay attention to how exhausted I was from running but instead, admired the massive building that I will be working for, for the rest of my time here.

I just had to admire its beautiful architecture, gazing the logo on the building greeting me

"Jeon Corp. HQ".

As I was about to go into the gigantic modern skyscraper. I saw a glimpse of what was inside.

Well, my jaw completely dropped.

This building sure was fancy alright.

And if I have to be honest, I've never seen a room filled with professional-looking people before, I bet I looked out of place as I just stood there in the entrance looking at them with my jaw dropped, man I didn't realize how pidiculous I must've looked.

I decided to fix myself up and walk in as I was only blocking the entrance regardless of how big and wide the doorway was.

I passed a magazine stand just outside the building but i'll probably check that out later as I was too captivated by the place. I mean there couldn't possibly be anything interesting in the magazine's right? I mean they're boring nowadays.

 I mean there couldn't possibly be anything interesting in the magazine's right? I mean they're boring nowadays

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"Yep sure there isn't anything interesting," I thought without even looking at them.

"Yep sure there isn't anything interesting," I thought without even looking at them

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