Chapter 2: Scraped Palm

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As the train started to move, Jungwoo stood up from my lap and pushed his hands against the window to look out.

He was giggling from the familiar view of his hometown, not knowing it would be his last glimpse of Busan. Hearing Jungwoo's lovable laugh made me forget about our situation and feel as carefree as my Jungwoo's excitement.

I spotted a chocolate smear on his cheek so I turned around to my bag to grab a piece of napkin only to feel a bag slam my shoulder, I didn't even get the chance to look at the man's face who bumped into me because his tall figure continued walking past us to the train cart ahead.

I scoffed at that as he didn't even apologize. As expected from a self-absorbed first-class. I rubbed my slightly aching shoulder but brought my attention back to my angel that was supposed to be sitting on my lap but I didn't find him there... I looked down and saw him standing a foot away from me, looking at the direction where the man had gone, tilting his head to the side, curious.

I only carried him back to my arms as I softly pinched his cheeks at his naughtiness, wandering off like that.

"Don't leave eomma's lap okay?" I told him and Jungwoo simply nodded at that but went back to looking back at the direction where the man went, I shrugged it off and he eventually looked back at the window but he became sleepy, soon he was resting his head on my chest drifting to sleep as I hugged him on my lap. It didn't take me long until I found myself also drifting off too as we both cuddled together.




As Jungwoo was now sure that both his mother and grandmother were fast asleep, he jumped off from his mother's lap and decided to go toward the direction the man had gone to, the man he found quite familiar... as if he was supposed to know him.

He was now wandering around the train up until he came across a doorway that was covered with a big white curtain, he decided to lift it only to see an elegant more spacious part of the train which got him quite excited. The seats were bigger and less cramped up everything looked so bright and clean.

He didn't wander off that far because a door had opened behind him, pushing his small figure onto the ground.

From the impact, Jungwoo felt a slight pain on his palm but even that slight pain had caused him to whimper and he could feel his tears start welling up in his eyes.

The next thing he knew, the tall, muscular figure that came out of the door had made his way to Jungwoo, kneeling down to be at the same height as him. And he realized that this was the same man he found himself quite fond of earlier, the same one who'd bumped his bag on his mother's shoulder.

In Jungwoo's view, the man was so tall and he could see the man's muscles through his thick all-black outfit, the man was also wearing a surgical mask and it made the man look even more intimidating to young Jungwoo. That unfamiliarity and scariness had caused Jungwoo to cry out completely.

But he soon calmed down when the man wrapped his big hands around Jungwoo's waist nearly covering it all and had taken off one side of his mask letting it hang by the right side of his ear.

Seeing the man's face had made him quiet and brought calmness to him, he felt safe in his arms, totally forgetting about the pain on his palms.

"What seems to be hurting little one?" the tall man asked ever so softly while wiping the tears that were still covering Jungwoo's face.

That calm voice prevented him from crying any further and so Jungwoo popped his bunny smile out to the man. The man was taken aback from the small child's sudden brightness but soon found himself smiling back with his own signature bunny smile.

You could just tell the man had enjoyed seeing the kid's joyful state as he repeatedly made the kid laugh by making weird faces and having no doubt that he'd had made the kid forget about the pain on his palm.

The man couldn't help but carry the little kid into his arms, surprising the him, "Now tell me, where does it hurt?" the man asked again.

Jungwoo beamed at that as he exposed his slightly bruised palm to him, "Ah, I see," the man let out softly as he kissed the kid's palm and pain away.

"There, are you okay now?" he asked as he rubbed Jungwoo's head from the back. But the man had suddenly felt a tap from behind causing him to slowly shift his body toward the direction.

"Eomma!" Jungwoo blurted out and as the man turned around he saw a woman?

"Eomma!" Jungwoo blurted out and as the man turned around he saw a woman?

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