Chapter 17: Mrs. Jeon

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"I'm not having this discussion with you again Hyung, for the last time, I am not marrying her," I remarked at my persistent executive assistant as I got ready to leave the boardroom.

"It's not like we're giving you a choice at this point," Namjoon Hyung let out as five of them gave a nod, having to have agreed with him.

"Oh, and what are you trying to imply there?" I inquired as I faced them one more time as I raised my eyebrows at them.

"Your sales have gone down again, and you know why?" Min Yoongi responded causing me to bring my gaze to him.

"People aren't believing this act, just imagine what they'd do if we shut down those allegations?"

"I know, I know but you don't understand what-"

"Your company is at risk," They all cut me off.

That had ticked me off a bit, pissing me off even more, do they not understand what situation I am in right now? I'm trying not to get myself involved with them anymore and yet here they are, ugh, they're nothing but trouble to me...

"I don't care, I am not marrying her, end of discussion," I said as I brought my blazer up to my shoulder as I began walking toward the door.

"You know, your father called," Jin Hyung let out grabbing my attention, causing me to stop on my tracks.

"And?" I let out, trying to keep my pride.

"He said he would like to meet this little family of yours," 




I brought my arms up to the handle to finally open the doors to the board room, revealing the group of men who Jungkook has meetings with the most. What took me by surprise was all their gazes on me, only Jin Oppa's wasn't piercing but instead, welcoming.

Jungkook's gaze wasn't on me which helped with the tension because I swear, If his strong dark gaze combined with these other six handsome men's gaze, I would've died. It seems Jungkook was avoiding me though, have I done something wrong?

"Ah, Mrs. Kim, come, have a seat" Manager Kim Namjoon let out to me.

"Actually, It's just Ms. Kim," I corrected as I made my way to the available seat that was faced in front of them as they all bunched up on the other side of the table, multiple seats away from me. Making it seem as if I was in the courtroom getting trialed for murder.

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