Chapter 10: Paper Frog

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Kim Seokjin had just finished the last training briefing so I gathered all of my things to finally go home with Jungwoo whose been strangely quiet this whole entire meeting. 

Kim Seokjin came up to me with his hands ready to pat a head but he stopped and stared at my thigh.

"Yah! Mr. Jin, what are you staring at?" I asked while taking my jacket to cover myself.

I then felt a light playful slap on the head from the Kim Seokjin.

"Tell me why would I look at a old hag that way," He rolled his eyes playfully while I rubbed the area where he slapped me trying to ignore that he just called me a hag as I no longer wanted another slap in the head.

"I was just looking for Jungwoo, but where is he then if he isn't on your lap?" he asked and it immediately made me feel panicked.

I bent down to take a peek under the table picturing the angel hiding while drinking his banana milk but...

he wasn't there.

"He isn't under the table..." I said so helplessly. At a lost as to what to do.

Before Jin could even respond, I ran out of the room looking at each and every direction he could possibly go from these halls that seem like they could go on endlessly. This building has 90 floors. Where could my baby have gone???

Why does this boy always seem to wander off?

"Jungwoo where are you?"


When waking up, I thought I would see the little kid in my arms with me on the office couch, instead, I found a small bunny smiling at me placing paper frogs on my face that we both made just a few hours ago before taking a nap together on the couch.

He tried to run away from his sneaky act but my hands were quicker and took him into my grasp placing him on my lap as I tickled him, filling my office room with his angelic waves of laughter once more.

The moment was interrupted when we both heard the sound of our stomachs asking for food.

"Looks like someone's hungry,"

I took a glance at the time, it was only ten after six o'clock, maybe it wouldn't hurt to treat the kid for dinner then look for his parents.

I got up, still holding him in my arms as I situated his feet into his mini converse.

"What do you want to eat Jungjung?" I asked him while patting his head as we got into the elevator, carrying him in my arms.

The little one stopped playing with my earrings and thought.

"Appa, I want samgyetang," He said so joyfully while calling me the name I was now accustomed to ever since I gave up trying to stop him from his weird habit of calling me that. This child is extremely endearing.

It's perfect, there is a chicken place just across the street from here, where someone I knew used to love going there exactly for that same dish.

I shook the thought off as we now arrived the lobby where it was practically empty with only one woman facing her back towards us, we were now about to exit the building but the buzzing from my phone went off and so I carefully placed the smaller one to the ground and answered it.

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