Chapter 5: Picture Frame

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(You can play the Bts music to help set the mood ^)


This bedroom was nice, it was a room that stood out from the others, it was not big as the others which was just perfect.

I chose this one as It had a familiar scent to it, the scent just welcomed me, captivated me and the atmosphere... it was too familiar, I just couldn't help but choose this one, it already made me feel at home...

"Madam," I heard Lhee's voice call out to me along with a knock on the door.

"Here are your bedsheets,"

"Thank you Lhee, this bedroom is really nice don't you think?" I asked as I gladly took the bedsheets from his hands.

"Oh, yeah, this bedroom was the owner's,"

"That woman's son right?"

"Yes madam, Mrs. Jeon's son," He suddenly blurted out which got me to take a halt for a second but I soon shook it off.

"If you were the owner of a big mansion, I figured you might want the biggest room of the house, but instead the young master picked this room instead. It's one of the smallest bedrooms of the estate," I commented as I looked out the floor to ceiling glass windows overlooking a beautiful forest that's just behind the house, which got me curious.

How much of the land does this family own?

"Hey, Lhee, how much of the land does this Jeon family own,"

"What do you mean?"

"This property," I tippy toed as I tried to look from the distance to see if I could spot the city from here.

"Well, they have quite a lot of properties madam, but as for this one, let's say the land goes from the main gate and pretty much up to the city."


"Wait, did you say to the city?" I managed to have said through my dropped jaw.

"Yeah, why else do you think we don't have any neighbors or cars passing by our road?" he simply mentioned as I brought myself back together.

It made much more sense now, no wonder why the cab we took here basically stopped a mile away from the house, leaving me and mother to walk up to this remote area.

I took a look at my bedsheets and I saw a small tag on the corner, I stuck it out to see a tag that said "Jeon's," which got me to think...

"Heh, there's quite a lot of Jeons in Seoul Isn't there?" I unconsciously let out loud.

"What do you mean madam?" The man turned back to me growing a bit confused.

"I mean the company I work for is called Jeon. Corp and another family I live with are also called Jeon... heh. All big coincidences," I say to myself in denial.

I felt Lhee's gaze on me sharpen which caused me to turn around to see what was wrong.

I got confused, he was giving me a look, a look I wasn't able to decipher, but made it seem like he was trying to tell me,

"You're one stupid bitsh,"...Not sure, something along those lines.

"...Well then, if there's nothing else madam I will leave you to your quarters," he said before leaving the room, leaving me there to grow even more confused.

"Was there something wrong with what I said?"




I decided to take a look around the house, trying to familiarize myself.

I found myself walking down a hall that seemed quite hidden, only to have spotted a door on the side that you could barely see as if it was just a wall and not some door.

I turned the creaky doorknob and a cloud of dust covered me when I opened the door, it must have been a while since someone's been here. All the curtains were shut.

After I finished blinking the dust out of my eyes, a large library came into view. Floor to ceiling custom made bookshelf. The polished wooden floors are covered with precious persian rugs.

It had the same atmosphere as my bedroom, It seemed homey, warm, and familiar. I wonder why it was hidden, it was so beautiful!

On one side of the wall I pushed open the huge curtains and it was hiding a window that was all glass so it gave you the beautiful view of the lush green forest and further away, the bright Seoul city skyline. You can see Namsan tower from here.

I found myself walking around admiring every object. The library's lights were all turned off and the only source of light for now was the moonlight that came through the glass windows. But I had managed to make out a picture frame that was lying face down on a table before me so I wasn't able to see the picture it contained, I went to fix it up but I wasn't able to wipe off it's dust as I heard my mother's voice call out to me. I'll get back to this I thought and I quickly ran towards the kitchen where my mother was.

"Su', sweetie, can you help change Jungwoo's clothes, I'm a little preoccupied,"

I hesitated to go as I was still curious as to what the picture was but I was walking out of the kitchen and towards Jungwoo by his play area and his books.

Little did I know that picture contained me in it along with the father of Jungwoo.

Little did I know that picture contained me in it along with the father of Jungwoo

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