Chapter 14: The Mess

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"Do you think it's not obvious to me that you've been trying to avoid her this whole entire week?" Jin Hyung mentioned from behind which shocked me.

I shifted my gaze from the window viewing the beautiful morning city to the older one who was already making his way inside my office... without knocking... again.

I let out a smile before sitting down on my desk still facing the older one as he was still making his way in.

"Ah, Jin Hyung, how many times have I told you to knock," I said, dragging the last word as I took a puff out of my cigarette.

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"Trying to avoid the question now, aren't you Jungkook?" He retorted as he took the cigarette off my lips and violently crushed it against the plate.

"But I suppose you're right, I should knock, I wouldn't want to catch you getting all touchy with your sluts," He mentioned, getting close to pissing me off as I took another cigarette from my pocket and lit it up, but Jin Hyung's fingers were quicker as he quickly took it off of my mouth along with the pack sticking out of my back pocket, finally pissing me off...

"You know Hyung, you're lucky I didn't fire you when you hired Suyoung and going off calling me informally, but you're starting to really piss me off Hyung so I suggest you give that back, and for your information, they're not my sluts," I finally let out as I extended my hand out expecting him to drop the pack back into my palms but he didn't.

Instead, he only smiled as he continued on and threw it away on the trash bin beside me, I gave up, knowing very well he would never listen to me so I lamely crouched down, upset by the fact he threw them away but I let it pass as I could easily afford a billion of them anyway.

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