Part 1

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Hi everyone! I wrote this a while ago and my grammar and spelling was pretty bad... I edited it but just the major thinks because I want to move on to writing my new story. Thanks to everyone encouraging me to hurry up and finish editing it. I sorta forgot about it... I hope you enjoy!


It was 4:23 in the evening when something very traumatic happened. Before i tell you what that is, i need to go back a bit. Our story starts a week after the werewolves got their moonstone back and the zombies, cheerleaders and them became friends. Well... most of them did. Bucky is still a jerk and Zed and Wyatt... well... they just never really hit it off. They didn't hate each other or even dislike each other but they weren't friends. No one really knows why. It all started on Monday, at lunch. I was walking through the cafeteria, carrying my lunch tray. Today had been a normal, boring Monday so far and I had been wishing something would rid me of my boredom. I got to the lunch table and sat next to Zed, where I always sit.

"Hey, Addison," he said as he kissed my cheek.

"Hey," I smiled. At the other end of the lunch table sat Willa, Wynter and Wyatt.

"So... i was thinking you could come over to my house after school tonight. We could watch a movie, play a board game with my dad and Zoey, We'd have dinner..." Zed Kept talking then suddenly got cut off by Wyatt.

"Hey Addie," he said as Willa, Wynter and him sat down at the table, across from Zed and I.

"Addie," I questioned with a curios expression.

"Sorry... I hope its fine if i call you that. I just thought that was your nickname..."

"I thought only Bree called you that," Zed added.

"She does but its totally fine if other people call me that as well. I don't mind." Wyatt and I smiled at each other before I looked down at my food and started picking at my salad.

"So, Addison... How would you like to come over to the wolf den tonight and hang out with the pack after school? I need a little help with my math homework," Wyatt said.

"That sounds like fun, " i responded, completely forgetting what Zed had asked earlier.

"Addison, I thought you and i were going to hang out after school today," He frowned.

"Oh... right... well... Maybe i could come over to your house until 5:30 then go over to the den?" i asked. He sighed and nodded slightly. I could tell he was upset so I put my hand on his cheek and gently pushed his face closer to my lips. I gave him a long, sweet kiss on the cheek. He turned slightly red then smiled and took my hand.

"You and i will have so much fun tonight." Wyatt grinned.

"You and I?"

"I mean you, Willa, Wynter, the rest of the pack and I."

"Mhmm," I agreed before I looked over at Zed just in time to see him raise an eyebrow at Wyatt. Wyatt noticed Zed then looked away. I got up, put my tray away and threw away my trash. I went back over to Zed and hugged him from behind. He smiled then kissed my temple. I went over to the other side of the table. I hugged Wynter then Willa. Once i got to Wyatt he went for a hug and tried to wrap his arms around me. I patted his head, playfully then started to leave. He frowned as i looked back at him. I had only gotten about 5 feet away so i went back over to him and gave him a hug. He laid his head on my shoulder and smiled.

"I was just messing with you." I ruffled his hair and he laughed slightly.

"I know."

"Good." I let go of him and he kept his arms wrapped around me. I waited for him to let go.

"I'm never going to let go of you. Your mine now." He whispered then made a low growling noise right in my ear. I was silent for a moment before he chuckled. "I'm just messing with you." He let go.

"It looks like were even... for now..." I smirked as i walked away.

After the last period of the day, i went to the front of the school and sat on a bench, waiting for Zed. I got a text from him and immediately read it.

"Hey. I almost forgot i have practice for an hour. Sorry about that. I'll come find you afterwards," I read. I checked the time. It was 3:30. I sat at the bench and watched people walk by as time passed. I went on my phone and saw that it was 4:30. I got another text from him.

"Couch decided to keep us late today. I'll be another half hour."

"Ok," I responded. I sat there until it was 5:00.

"I need to go soon. Remember? I planed to be at the den at 5:30," I reminded him.

He started typing then stopped. I sighed and turned my phone off. A moment later he came up behind me and tapped my shoulder. I looked up at him and he bent down and kissed my forehead.

"My dad should be here to pick us up any moment now."

"Alright." I said then got up. Zed's dad drove up and I saw Zoey in the back and her dad in the front. Zed got in the passenger seat and I got in the back with Zoey.

"Hey Addison," she smiled.

"Hey Zoey." I smiled back then leaned forward a bit to talk to Zed since i was sitting directly behind him.

"So... its already 5:20. You and i aren't going to have time to hang out since i need to go meet the wolves... is it alright if i ask your dad to drop me off near the woods?"

"......Sure," he hesitated. I asked his dad to drop me off there. 10 minutes later, we got there at exactly 5:30 so I got out.

"Thank you for the ride." I said to Zevon before opening Zed's door and hugging him. "I'll see you tomorrow."


I shut the door and watched them drive away. I started walking through the dark woods. Suddenly, hearing a rustling noise in the bushes near me, I stopped and turned around. Whatever it was moved and i heard the mysterious thing travel from one bush to another. I got nervous. Suddenly something tall came up behind me and cast a large shadow over me, making it even harder to see since it was already dark. Feeling scared and worried, I stood still. I felt something grab my waist and pull me close. Whatever this... thing was now had there mouth near my neck and i could feel them breathing on my skin. Two sharp teeth suddenly bit my neck. Not hard enough to hurt me or cause me to bleed but hard enough to make me jump and terrify me. They let go of the skin they had in between their teeth and moved so they could talk in my ear.

"Your late." I heard a deep voice mumble. It took me a second, but then i realized.

"......Wyatt?!" I looked over my shoulder. The handsome werewolf was standing there, smirking. He began laughing and let go of me after a few seconds. "Don't scare me like that!"

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