Part 12

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I just stayed up until 3:30 AM writing this and i have school work to do tomorrow so please make this worth it for me by leaving a like and maybe even following me. I promise if you do i'll try to make it worth it for you. Please tell me honestly in the comments if you would read a Marlos book two if you read the first. Thank you all so much and goodnight.


Wyatt continued to hold me until i calmed down and was no longer scared. I started thinking. Wyatt has done so much for me. He stood up for me, protected me, calmed me down, let me cry on his shoulder, been there for me anytime i needed him and more. Just now he comforted me because i was scared. I sat up and faced him.

"I owe you so much."

"Why? For what?" He asked as he let go of me.

"For everything. Your just such a great friend. I know i can count on you for anything and i can always trust you."

"Aww. Good. I'll always be here for you."

"I know."

"Good. Never forget that." He kissed my forehead then got up. I did too.

"But seriously. I owe you. More than a little bit. Is there anything i can do for you or give you?"

"Nah. I don't need anything... except one thing but i doubt i'll ever get it."

"Tell me what it is. Maybe i could get it for you."

"You don't have to."

"But i want to give you something in return for everything you've done for me." He was silent for a moment before he looked down and smiled.

"Well... There is something i want..."

"What is that? Maybe I can get you it."

"Maybe you can..." He smirked a bit, mischievously and looked up again.

"So what is it?"

"I wanna see if you can guess. let me give you some hints."


"This thing is extremely beautiful. There's only one in the whole world and there is nothing else like it." I gave him a puzzled look and thought for a moment about what it could be but had no idea.

"...Please just tell me."

"Alright. The thing i want..." He moved closer to me. "...more than anything in the whole world..." He took both of my hands in his. "...Is..." I waited and became more interested since he kept pausing. "" I stood there in shock. i was speechless.

"Ummm... Huh? Y-You want... me?" He laughed a bit and smiled.

"Yes, Addison." I looked really confused.

"......What do you mean?" i asked.

"I want you to be mine." I had never really been flirted with much and the only guy who ever asked me out was Zed so i was really confused.

"Your what?" He laughed again.

"Your cute. I want you to be my baby girl, honey, sweetheart, sugar, lover, princess, babe, girlfriend... or whatever else you would want me to call you. Now do you understand?" I was so shocked that all i could do was nod slightly and blush a lot. I glanced over at Willa who was standing there with her head cocked and one eyebrow slightly raised. She was far enough that she probably couldn't hear us but she noticed me blushing like crazy. He noticed her as well then gently picked me up and carried me into a room then set me down on the bed.

"I'm sorry. This is probably a lot for you to take in..." he said as he shut the door.

"Yeah..." He sat down next to me on the bed.

"I've had a crush on you for a while now... I've been wanting to tell you but i knew i needed to wait for the right time. The reason i think now is good is because its the perfect time to start new and try again."

"But i also just got abused by my last boyfriend..." He frowned slightly and looked hurt.

"Are you saying your worried i'm gonna hurt you or do what he did to you?"

"No! I know you would never hurt me. I'm just saying i don't know if i'm ready to date again yet... plus Zed and i never officially broke up... therefore we're still together..." He sighed and looked down.

"Yeah... I understand. Just know that if you change your mind and you want to give it a try i'll be waiting for you."

"Wait. I didn't saw i don't want to be with you. i just said i don't know yet."

"So... you don't know if you love me?" He looked kinda sad.

"I do love you."

"Then why are you saying your not ready? Do you just love me as a friend?"

"No... i'm not doing a very good job explaining this am I?"

"Honestly... not really. I'm sorta really confused."

"How can i explain this without making things more awkward?"

"Just be honest and tell me exactly what your thinking." I nodded slightly then look a deep breath.

"I like you too and i really want to be your girlfriend... but i'm still kinda upset i have to leave Zed... I guess i have feelings for both of you."

"Even after what he did?!"

"Well its not like he could control himself."

"Still!" I sighed and looked down. I was not in the mood to argue. i got up.

"I'm kinda tired. i think i'm gonna head home." He gently grabbed my hand.

"Please stay. Just for a bit longer. I'm sorry." I hesitated.

"Fine..." He smiled then pulled me back onto the bed so i fell on top of him.

"So... You and i are in love... But not together?" I nodded slightly.

"Ok. I'm just glad you like me back."

"How could i not? Any girl would be lucky to have you."

"But i don't want any girl. I want you." I blushed and laid there for a moment before he passionately pressed his lips to mine.

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