Part 21

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To everyone who has read this and my Marlos book I just wanted to say thank you all so much! It got ranked #1 in marlos yesterday and i can't even explain how much that means to me so thank you. Also if you haven't please follow my insta! It is maleficentbertha1. I post lots of funny edits, cute pictures and everything else descendants and zombies. Sorry this part is a bit shorter than usual. :)
I screamed again as Zed continued to hold me. To shut me up he grabbed my mouth with one hand and kept holding me up with his other arm.
"Listen to me, Addison. You will be mine again." Wyatt ran into the room followed by my parents and Willa but Zed didn't seem to notice them come in. "I'll do whatever it takes." He pressed his lips to mine before moving his mouth down to my neck and giving me a quick hickey on an already sensitive spot somewhat close to where Wyatt had given me one that was still there. I bit my lip and hated it. He stoped and I could feel his hot breath on my neck. I shivered slightly.
"What was that for?!" I asked.
"That was so Wyatt knows your mine and keeps his hands off of you. You belong to me again. And no one else. Especially not him. Everyone else will never know it was me who left this mark and your parents will think it was that stupid mutt again so he'll just get in more trouble." My parents and Willa looked shocked but Wyatt didn't. He looked mad and went over to Zed then tapped his shoulder. As soon as he turned around he punched him so hard that he passed out and fell to the ground, bringing me down with him. Luckily I landed on top of him so it didn't hurt. Wyatt pulled Zed's arms off of me and untied me then threw the rope to the side and picked me up.
"Are you hurt?" I shook my head. "Good." He looked relived and hugged me close to him.
Zed woke up about 20 seconds later and got up.
"Get out of our house. You're no longer welcome in our home." My dad said.
"Fine. Whatever. Addison knows who she belongs to."
"My heart belongs to Wyatt and it always will. I don't belong to you. We can be friends but I don't want to be anything more than that with you. I love Wyatt." He rolled his eyes then left. I teared up and remembered we're not together anymore.
"What's wrong?" Wyatt asked looking concerned.
"I miss you so much." I started sobbing and he continued to hold me close.
"I miss you too baby... I mean Addison." He glanced at my parents for a brief second then teared. "Even though we can't be together or really even be friends or talk anymore... don't ever hesitate to call me if you're in danger and you need someone to rescue you. Even if your parents don't like it or you're with someone new I'm going to try to keep you safe at all costs. You'll always hold a special place in my heart." I started to cry more and he hugged me.
"I love you so much. I don't think anyone has ever made me smile as much or feel as safe and happy as you did. I would say I'll be here for you whenever you need me as well but my parents won't let me."
"I understand. It's ok." He kissed my cheek and gave me a quick squeeze then left the room. Willa felt bad and hugged me then followed Wyatt and they left without saying another word to anyone.

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