Part 18

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I have a few chapters done so how many do you guys think I should post today?
I put my phone down and Wyatt wrapped his arms around me from behind then kissed the top of my head. My stomach growled a bit and he laughed slightly.
"I'm guessing your hungry?" I nodded slightly. "Well here we don't have and human food so how about I take you out to lunch."
"I would love that."
"Awesome. let's go." He took my hand and we left. He lead me through the woods then into town. I didn't know where we were going. He stopped in front of a Italian restaurant that I had never seen before although I've lived in seabrook my whole life. It was probably because it's a bit close to the forbidden forest and people used to be scared of werewolves.
He held the door for me and I smiled then went in. We found a good table then sat down.
"So... I've never really had human food except for what is in the cafeteria..."
"Really? Wow."
"So can you choose for me?"
"Sure. I have a few ideas of something you might like..." He smiled. When the waiter came over I ordered a pizza for us to share and some breadsticks. I happened to notice the waiter staring at me as he walked away and it made me feel a bit uncomfortable. Later our food came.
"So what is this thing called?"
"It's Pizza. It's basically bread with tomato sauce and cheese. Sometimes there are different toppings but I figured we should start simple." He nodded then took a bite and looked down at it.
"Do you like it?"
"It's definitely different than what I usually eat... that's for sure." We laughed slightly. After a moment he looked more serious. "I didn't like the way that waiter was looking at you..."
"Yeah... I didn't like it either."
"Do you think he thought you were cute or something?"
"No. He looked way to serious to be thinking that."
"Yeah..." Wyatt suddenly looked alarmed and got up. "We need to leave. Now."
"What? Why?" He grabbed my hand then pointed at the waiter who was now outside of the restaurant talking to a police officer but we could see him through the window. Then he pointed at the TV.
"A 16 year old girl named Addison wells has gone missing. She is our mayor's daughter and her father seems to think she was kidnapped by wolves. She recently woke up from a coma after she was beaten up by a zombie named Zed." Said the reporter. I gasped and Wyatt quickly grabbed me and picked me up then started to leave. He left $40 on the table so that we aren't stealing. He covered me with his jacket and I just laid in his arms and let him. He ran out of the restaurant but the officer spotted us and blew his whistle.
"Stop!" Wyatt didn't want to get us in trouble so he did as the officer said. The officer came over to us and pulled the jacket off of me.
"Addison Wells?" He asked. I looked up at Wyatt, nervously before I looked back at the officer. I opened my mouth to talk but before I could Wyatt said something.
"Yes sir. This is Addison."
"Why are you carrying her?"
"You see... her and I are best friends and I've been out all day looking for her. I found her asleep in the woods so I was taking her to get food before I take her home and back to her parents." The cop seemed skeptical.
"Her dad thinks she was kidnapped by wolves... and you're a wolf. So if you would just put her down and let me take her I'll handle it from here."
"I would but she's still really traumatized from what happened with the zombie who hurt her so whenever I let go of her she starts screaming and throws a giant tantrum. I can show you if you would like..." he started to put me down but the officer quickly cut him off.
"That won't be necessary. It seems like she's not scared of you so I have no reason to believe you kidnapped her. You also seem like you know what your doing so I'll trust you to take her home. Have a nice day." He walked away and both of us exchanged surprised looks. Wyatt stood there for a moment. Then carried me back to the den.
"You just lied to a cop..."
"I know... I didn't want to... but I had to. I know how much you don't want to go home." I nodded slightly and we went back in. I heard my phone ringing so I took it out of my pocket and answered.
"If you don't tell me where you are right now I'm gonna track your phone."
"You can do that? Wait... who is this?"
"I'm serious, Addison. You, Bonzo and Zed are my best friends and I'm worried about you. So is literally everyone else. Willa says she knows where you are but won't tell us. Zed is actually is trying to help your dad figure out where you are."
"Even though they hate each other?"
"Yes. They're both worried about you. Zed said he saw you at the den yesterday and he checked today but no one was there. Wyatt wasn't at school so they already figured out that your together. I suggest you come home now or I'm gonna track your phone, you mom will literally loose her mind and Willa will end up in zombie containment."
"What? Why? She did nothing wrong... and she's not a zombie..."
"Yeah... but your dad asked where you are and she refused to tell so he threatened her. She still won't tell."
"Oh my gosh... I'm coming home."
"Good. Your dad just told me to tell you to bring Wyatt and to let you know there are quite a few people at your house right now. Including me."
"Ok. Thank you for the heads up. I'll see you soon.

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